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Messages - Gorath

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Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" Week 8 Open Qualifier
« on: September 12, 2013, 11:51:40 am »
Is this starting at the normal CoGs time?

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: ship design thread
« on: September 09, 2013, 03:43:01 pm »
Lot of sweet ships here, think I have a carrier design somewhere in the forums (if you find it do not post on it), but I really like that hydra concept.

Thanks Phil, appreciate the feedback. I was at work the other day and was thinking, "It would be really sweet, if..." and drew it up later that day. I kind of want to make a more finished drawing of it.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: ship design thread
« on: September 07, 2013, 11:59:52 pm »
I had this ship idea stuck in my head ALL DAY along with some other ones but it was my favorite so I drew it up. It's done kind of fast and loose, balloon seems too small, might put more work into it later. Anyway, this is the base concept, hope you guys enjoy it!

The Hydra Marauder!

Based on a few ideas: my desire for an anglo-saxon, viking style ship (probably anglean); there are no ships with two front heavy guns; with a pyra nerf coming, we need another good ramming ship!

This would be just a bit bigger than a goldfish, excellent top speed, high armor, medium hull health. Nearly as heavy as a Galleon. Awful agility, not much up and down or turning capacity. The front end is a REAL terror. Two heavy weapons and a mean capacity for massive rams. No side guns for balance reasons.

Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" Season 2: Week 1 - Brackets
« on: July 09, 2013, 12:58:03 pm »
So... Week 1 having been a bit of a joke...

What happened to PaFa?

Our Belgian crew were completely unavailable for the weekend, and our replacement captains also happen to be primary gunners and engineers, who's replacements were not available. We very sadly had to throw in the towel for that weekend =/

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3 Release Notes
« on: July 09, 2013, 12:44:17 pm »
Oh man! This is so exciting! I can't seem to log into Guns yet, but I really want to!

The Lounge / Re: To everyone doubting I play guitar.
« on: June 07, 2013, 03:40:04 pm »
Zwaene plays drums!

The Gallery / Re: Gorath's Scylla Poster
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:58:29 pm »
I tried to click on this thread when it was first posted but I had an awful connection and the picture wouldn't load. I totally forgot to come back until now.

Nice work, Gorath!

Thank you! :D And thanks for coming back!

Community Events / Re: Tournament Results page
« on: June 04, 2013, 01:18:00 pm »
Woah now. In cogs season one, how could you forget the "3st" place team!?

The Gallery / Re: Gorath's Scylla Poster
« on: May 25, 2013, 03:55:51 pm »
I take it you don't like galleons. =P

Not ones that are pointed at me =C

The Gallery / Re: Gorath's Scylla Poster
« on: May 25, 2013, 12:18:11 am »
Nice poster! Sneaking Squash's ship in was a good extra touch.

Hah! Quick to notice. I had to after we came so close to victory in the Cogs finals ;)

The Gallery / Gorath's Scylla Poster
« on: May 25, 2013, 12:08:30 am »
A little black and white poster I made today. Icon for me, tribute to my favorite gun on GoI and to many more victories with it.

The Lounge / Re: Occupations and Careers
« on: May 23, 2013, 10:32:08 pm »
Wow, an awful lot of naval affiliation so far. I shouldn't be surprised :D

I just got my degree in Illustration a couple years ago and I've been trying to get good enough to do art as a real job since then. I actually play this game as much as I do to keep me at my desk and drawing with a tablet between matches, because I really don't know what else to do :D Currently I'm just doing freelance work for people who ask, and have been completely booked! I also work in a freezer part-time at a nearby Target so's I can have health benefits.

I also work full-time for Capt. Falco, in the Making Things Explode division.

The Docks / Re: The PastaFarians
« on: May 20, 2013, 06:36:54 pm »
Hello my loves! As you guys have been the one teaching me the basics in guns of icarus (which i appreciate very much) i think that you should consider training me even more, and take me into your team so that i can make man-love to Flynn and Swaene everyday!

Absolutely. I might livestream the event. All of it.

Gameplay / Re: The Manta Ray
« on: May 20, 2013, 05:04:59 pm »
Okay, I've been having a lot of thoughts about this guy and I've made my decision. Assuming by looking at the thin-ish horizontal profile and the need for massive turning rudders, I'm going to say this thing moves forward alright but turns like a slug. I really, really, really think the front lower guns should be heavy mounts.

Let me explain:

Two heavy weapons faced forward on the front of this ship and one light weapon will give this thing the same profile as the port-side of a galleon, but the Ray will be able to approach and retreat with this side. This is something that has not been addressed yet in GoI and, if applied, will give the Ray a very important niche in the current meta: addressing the balance issues and fusses posed by heavily dug-in and skilled sniper builds without moving to have those builds nerfed... so as not to piss off the most devoted players =P Keep snipes viable, but throw in a new contender to counter that tactic. Encamped snipers won't want to tangle with a double-heavy front end that's on the approach, forcing them to stay mobile instead of outgun it. This should mix things up a little, and give the paddling a run for their money :9

Two heavies will also give light, mobile ships more of a chance to dodge the fire off the front of this thing. Drop this thing into ambush mode with gat-flak trifecta at the front it's just going to be the same awkward 5-second fight every time you encounter one.

The long reload times of heavy weapons will give gunners a chance to repair  connected turn engines since the captain will likely be phoenix clawing *nonstop* with this ship, and new players will be encouraged to hop off the gun for a moment and fix things. Also, wouldn't this thing look ****ing awesome with two hwachas at the front? You bet.

The smaller turn radii of heavy weapons will also keep people dissuaded from going for the awkward and dreaded quadfecta... I mean, come on.

A tunnel connecting all the front guns seems necessary for switching guns between two dedicated gunners and one engi, allowing gunners to slide left or right if well organized in response to ships trying to flank. The ship will have a very interesting meta of "SLIDE STARBOARD" for ships approaching on the right. I would also keep the hull somewhere close to that top gun, where the main engi will likely stay, so he has the same sort of setup as the front man on the junker.

And I'll be honest, I have NO idea where the balloon on this thing would be, but I imagine the hull being within that covered part at the top, with maybe a hatch leading down to it from up there. The balloon seems very well-protected from above (vs lumberjack and carronade) so I imagine the balloon off in no-man's land somewhere. So any ship sneaking underneath to hit the balloon will really catch this guy off-guard and move one of the gunners away from offense, which could be a good balance feature. I imagine this beast having a really strong core hull.

What do you guys think? :D

The Lounge / Re: What did you name your ship and why?
« on: May 07, 2013, 04:09:29 pm »
I'm very disappointed I haven't seen any ducks with a ship named Marvin

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