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Messages - Full Hwacha Barrage

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Muse - Shark Tank - Suggestion
« on: May 24, 2013, 09:19:31 am »
It seems unlikely that GoI would generate mountains of money (even in Adventure Mode) which are needed to attract those "sharks" and even if it would, then we'd have a shareholder who is interested only in profits (that rarely matches with interests of the community). Blizzard and Diablo III is a perfect example of this.

General Discussion / Re: kickstarter rewards
« on: May 22, 2013, 07:31:03 pm »
Yes it charged me, that wasn't the question. I did read that FAQ, and it said when the kickstarter ended. Well it ended, so I'm asking for a harder date than that.

About two hours ago a e-mail was send to everyone who backed (I hope it was sent to everyone) with a survey for physical rewards and there was a notice about digital rewards. They are going to be distributed via digital keys (either for Steam or in-game shop), so Muse is going to sort it all out in "the coming days".

So probably digital rewards are going to arrive by the end of the week.

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