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Messages - Grease

Pages: [1]
Какие награды дает новая система оценки игроков и за какие по счету ачивки эти награды даются? Надеюсь, прыгать в туториале 300 раз не придется?

Community Events / Re: Language training days?
« on: March 15, 2013, 02:18:01 pm »
Grease, we are +4 GMT (for Moskow). GMT is usually called UTC now, sure you know
Ahem. I thought we've got UTC+3, but I've done a little research and realized that you were right, it's actually UTC+4 in Moscow and west regions of Russia.
Anyway, announce time not only in EST and I'll be happy.

Btw, i'd love to practice with my terrible pronounciation, so sorry for my bad english in advance.

Community Events / Re: Language training days?
« on: March 15, 2013, 12:35:32 pm »
I'm totally in. Although my native language is russian, i get lots of fun playing with english-speaking captns and trying to improve my english as well to better understand their pronounce and accent.
I don't know english much, though.

May i suggest to annonce event time in EST and GMT format? We're in Russia not very familiar with EST timestamps, and majority of russian-speaking players have +3 GMT local time, take this in account when planning preferable time to play.

Доброго дня, разрешите осторожно влиться в ряды сообщества. Гайды прочел, вики прочел, нигде не нашел рекомендуемые лоадауты для различных кораблей, только отдельные упоминания о синергии пары конкретных сочетаний. Просветите новичка?
И еще, не откажете ли в удовольствии поиграть как-нибудь с вами, поднабраться опыта, а в идеале еще и задать голосом возникающие по ходу вопросы?

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