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Messages - RomanRunner

Pages: [1]
The Lounge / Re: Introductions!
« on: July 09, 2013, 01:20:27 am »
Oh hello. My name is RomanRunner (ok, it isn't really my name, but the only people that don't call me Roman are my parents.)  I got GoIO around December or January and started playing with some friends. Unfortunetly at the time my lag was so bad I could do nothing but uninstall.  When the Steam trading cards added Guns to it, I reinstalled and gave it another shot.  I've been flying since :)

I'm a gunner at heart but since most captains talk to gunners like special ed kids I've taken up engineering as well. Since I've gotten so attatched to the game (and started to recognize regular names I see alot) I figured I should come say hi on the forums.

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