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Messages - Varuuu

Pages: [1]
Hey Saavedra, stop trying to steal my turtles spotlight with your high and mighty opinion of the Cohort! ......although it's pretty spot on.  :-\

The Signal Tower / Mr. Varuuu's Broadcasting Thingy-ma-bobber
« on: May 14, 2013, 12:30:07 am »
Hi! I'm Mr. Varuuu and I enjoy to broadcast awesome games. Considering that Guns of Icarus is an awesome game, you can definitely expect me to broadcast this game continuously!

A little about myself, I'm a 20 year old Latin guy that sounds like Fez from That 70's show and I like to consider myself on the crazy side. I enjoy all things and find comfort in knowing that the world is a mysterious place full of douchebags and fist pumpers.

For those of you who wish to watch my broadcast, look me up on twitch at

If you wish, you can also check out my youtube page and twitter at and

PS: Both my twitter and youtube are a work in progress right now. I just finished making some new logos and all that jazz.

I've been with the Cohort for ages, and I would just like to say that I, Mr. Varuuu, love turtles.

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