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Messages - Mkah Mvet

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Is GoI Unfinished?
« on: June 04, 2013, 12:38:33 am »
I'm not a fan of leaderboards.  Once you get leaderboards, you get people farming their rankings by only fighting against easy crews, making the game less fun for new people, making less players, making a doomed game.

Not that I'm defending this behavior, but I had posted here a thread about matchmaking.  Wouldn't having more evenly balanced matches to begin with reduce the number of match dropping?  Especially if win/losses were taken into account, and the results of a match a player dropped from still affected their stats?  Some people will ragequit because...  well...  they just suck soo hard.  But at least if the match was more fun and balanced to begin with, to where people tend to feel they have a chance, it should reduce it.

Oh, and +1 to getting replacement captains/pilots.  Maybe a vote system?  Especially in a legitimate disconnect, a team should still have a captain/pilot.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: My 25 hour experience with the game
« on: May 31, 2013, 10:05:16 pm »
1) voice commands - Personally, right now I'm on a really slow connection.  it's enough to play okay, but audio command shortcuts would also be appreciated here.  The less bandwidth used the better.

5) damage indicators - Not having numbers is a good thing.  It adds to the fog of war.  You can already tell damage to health and balloon by how crumpled they are.  And I think the guns/engines smoke pretty good when destroyed.  Some indicator for the armor would be nice (assuming there isn't one that I'm just not noticing), but I can't think of a way to do it that wouldn't just look weird considering how quickly armor can fluctuate.  Rust on the metal maybe?  (some advice to the OP, join some matches in spectator mode.  It's quite an education to see what's happening to each ship as it gets hit with different weapons, and theorycraft on what could have been done differently.)

6) customizations - not sure how I feel about that one...  I think goio already leans towards the complex side, and making it even more complex might be a turnoff for newer players.  Visual customizations, sure, that's a cool way to get some MT, especially if there is some player-made art assets involved.  (Along the lines of visuals, my own feedback, all the ships have too much red.  It can be hard to tell what team a ship is on, which did overly confuse me in some of my first battles.)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Spectate lvl 1-2
« on: May 31, 2013, 11:48:15 am »
I don't see the harm in it.  (In most games feedback forums the default reaction to any suggestion is to shoot down ideas without actually considering them.)

level restrictions are to help ensure an even match for newbies.  Spectators can't interact mid-match anyway, so why should level restrictions apply to them at all?  Now, a teaching mode, where the teacher can interact mid-match, there should be restrictions to the teacher so there's not unfair intel being gathered.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Matchmaking ideas
« on: May 31, 2013, 04:28:44 am »
Well, it wasn't really a question.  It was mostly just sharing my experience, and how I think that experience could be improved.  I understand balanced matches aren't a thing that will happen every single time, but at least giving the players better tools to find a match where they can actually have fun, whatever their skill level, is a good thing.

You're right about the size of the playerbase...  with a smaller playerbase it will be harder to find balanced games.  I don't think that's a valid excuse to not have the tools to strive for them.  The better balanced the matches, the more fun those matches can be, the more likely to have higher player retention, the faster the playerbase can grow. 

I like to think I'm a pretty decent pilot...  not the best, but good enough to have an idea of what I need to learn.  How much more must it suck for people who can't get the hang of it?  It would be interesting to see some kind of player retention numbers.

Feedback and Suggestions / Matchmaking ideas
« on: May 31, 2013, 02:03:06 am »
I'm still new, and just wanted to give my feedback so far.

I've reached level 3 as a pilot.  Out of my first 30-ish matches in levels 1-2 I won about 25, many without incurring a single loss.  I researched my loadouts, I feel like I'm a decent pilot.

Then I got to level 3, and locked out of the level 1-2 matches.  It feels like all other pilots are so far out of my league, I dread actually joining a match.

If I could make a feature request, it would be for better tools to pick more evenly balanced matches.  Maybe quick join sets people up more evenly matched, I don't know, I never use that feature in any game.  Still, a "competency rating" of some kind for each ship+crew/team/match would be a nice tool to find matches that could be used to find balanced matches would be awesome.

Along those lines, it would also be awesome if there were a tool to help a crew swap matches together for those cases when they, for whatever reason, want to be in a different match (maybe more or fewer players, or in search of a more balanced match) but still crew together.  Yes, that could be put done with existing mechanics, but a system to facilitate it would be nice.

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