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Messages - VooDooZ

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Need info for Spreadsheet: Weapon + Engine Health
« on: January 24, 2015, 04:30:12 am »

Also, to answer your fire question, not many people know this but I'll just share it:
First fire stack does 10 damage per second. Additional fire stack adds 2 damage per second. All fire stacks are affected by damage multipliers.

Best of luck on your spreadsheets!

Also thanks for the tip! thats also just what i'm looking for. Heres the next question then, for the flamer- does the percentage chance to ignite get applied twice, once for the initial hit and once for the "splash" or is it only once? Also, for the carronade running incendiary rounds, i'm assuming that each pull of the trigger gives a chance for ignition and not every individual bullet of the carronade correct?

Gameplay / Re: Need info for Spreadsheet: Weapon + Engine Health
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:56:42 am »
I took Erheller's spreadsheet, put it in google docs and updated it. Then i started work on later pages (first tab carronade) its not formatted very well right now, that will come later.

Gameplay / Re: Need info for Spreadsheet: Weapon + Engine Health
« on: January 23, 2015, 02:04:25 am »
This is actually exactly what i have been looking for, thanks for the link! i can double check the info and use just about all of the data provided its accurate.

Gameplay / Need info for Spreadsheet: Weapon + Engine Health
« on: January 23, 2015, 01:11:45 am »
quick question: How much HP do light, heavy weapons and Engines have? i can't find it for the life of me on the wiki. Also, how much damage does fire do per second? And what are the debuffs to a weapon on fire?

The reason why is that i'm bored and wanted to practice spreadsheet so i'm making a spreadsheet to end all spreadsheets. its going to give a ton of information in as simple a format as i can make it. It will include some of the following:
-Clips to destroy armor/hull/balloon/modules with various ammunition types
-Time to destroy armor/hull/balloon/modules with various ammunition types
-#of shots to destroy a particular component assuming only splash damage hits
-Clips to destory xxx assuming perfect engineer repair cycles
-Time to destroy xxx assuming perfect engineer repair cycles

Edit: I would like to add fire/burning damage with percentages... but with so many variables i'm not sure it would be clear information.

any other categories you would like to see would be welcome! thats about all i could think of that would be useful. If anyone else has made this spreadsheet then.... oh well i'll still make this one anyway because its practice.

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