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Messages - BuggDoubt

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Airship Rally
« on: April 28, 2016, 02:00:57 pm »
my original intent was for each checkpoint to have an instance occur. so as you race thing happen, and as those things happen you get stopped from acessing the next point untill you complete that challenge.

think amazing race.

hit waypoint 1, suddenly five static targets appear at various ranges and your ship can only turn. destroy them to advance.

hit waypoint 2, (good idea from schwupp) a smaller, closer set of smaller waypoints comes up with extreme disparity in height and angle

hit waypoint 3, whole ship on fire

waypoint 4, localized cloud storm with one small ai enemy (and yes i mean this to be in alliance from the start)

something akin to that.

The Pit / Re: ai in pseudo code
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:48:58 am »
if.player[engineer]=2 > you.are.gunner GOTO [pew.pew.pew]

Feedback and Suggestions / Airship Rally
« on: April 28, 2016, 12:19:23 am »
though it might be an interesting game mode in a less direct combat oriented mode and more of a 'best crew work' method.

circuit races on different maps including challenges along the way. think of it as the standard rally concept, hauling for the next way-point, and at each way-point something comes up that must be dealt with before starting toward the next point.

instances could include:

ship system damage
targets (from practice) at ranges that must be destroyed from a static position
tunnel of pain, series of ships launching heavy cannon shots pushing your ship off course (damaging them does nothing)

this could work well for training captains, and would work with both live and AI crews

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