« on: January 07, 2016, 11:09:35 am »
Heya all! Used to play this a decent amount a year or two ago and I'd like to get back into things. As far as I can tell, it is still one of the best things out there with regards to the naval style warfare and strategy I love in a game. I have one or two hangups I'm trying to get past, though.
In a nutshell: it's intimidating. I understand enough about the depth of the game but have no idea what has changed. I earned the role rankings under a system which I guess was canned for something in favor of simplicity (used to be achievement based) and I feel like I'd be misrepresenting my competence. This is further exasperated by the fact that every time I do join a match, it is typically two premade teams vs whatever randoms slop into the other two boats. I'm pretty sure how that will end and it seems crappy of the premades to do, although I have no solid argument against it. The game is more fun when you know or believe there is a chance at winning.
Any advice for getting back into the swing of things? I used to enjoy piloting the squid quite a bit and often tried to do what I could to shore up the lineup of a boat.