« on: November 24, 2015, 11:00:14 pm »
As a new player it took me like half the match to realize I was being hit by a minotaur from a Galleon while flying a Pyrmidion but once I did it was not very relevant. It was kind of a neat trick to keep me from diving straight at them but simply alternations and combinations of reverse-turning, going up and down, and some pilot skills were enough to minimize the mino hits - just like dodging any shots.
I equipped my spire with a minotaur and we got a compliment on using it from our allied captain, but that thing is hard to shoot. I was trying to use range finder but I still had to get a lot off feedback on arc adjustments because it was my first time on the spire and first time with a mino on a ship. I probably limited our gunner to 20%-30% accuracy at <600m. And I found other crews wouldn't even shoot it and preferred the rocket launcher and hades as we could not use an artemis effectively either. My idea was to have a long range support ship and it seemed to work to some noobish degree. But I did notice that even at close range with more hits the damage was pretty low. We were definitely carried in any match I brought that ship to.
Those are the only times I've seen a minotaur in action, only one ship I've been up against ever had it. That's probably why new players get so frustrated, if you don't know what it is it's easy to get frustrated. I am more frustrated going up against cannonade on a goldfish that stomps you into the ground and hwatcha spam in general. Maybe that's because I see that kind of stuff and don't see minos in action.