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Messages - Areus

Pages: [1] 2 3 4

Storm Ryders signing up
POC Areus & Fynx

Community Events / Re: Cake's Unbirthday WEEK 5 FINAL Signups
« on: August 11, 2016, 10:21:02 am »

Signing up
Team Name: Ouroboros Ryders
Team Captain: Areus
Crew 1: Caprontos
Crew 2: Ayetach
Crew 3: Valky
Division: Veteran
Mercenary (Y/N): Yes


Storm Ryders signing up
POC Areus & Fynx

Community Events / Re: Cake's Unbirthday WEEK 4 Signups
« on: August 03, 2016, 07:47:26 pm »

Signing up
Team Name: Ouroboros Ryders
Team Captain: Areus
Crew 1: Caprontos
Crew 2: Ayetach
Crew 3: Valky
Division: Veteran
Mercenary (Y/N): Yes

Community Events / Re: MPG Fight or flight skirmish
« on: July 31, 2016, 03:11:18 pm »
You guys should sign up for SCS next week. It starts about the same time as this would.


Storm Ryders signing up
POC Areus & Fynx


Signing up
Team Name: Ouroboros Ryders
Team Captain: Areus
Crew 1: Caprontos
Crew 2: Epsilon Eagle
Crew 3: Valky
Division: Veteran
Mercenary (Y/N): Yes


Storm Ryders signing up
POC Areus & Fynx


Signing up
Team Name: Ouroboros Ryders
Team Captain: Areus
Crew 1: Caprontos
Crew 2: Ayetach
Crew 3: Tunaofspace [Probably]
Division: Veteran
Mercenary (Y/N): Yes


Storm Ryders signing up
POC Areus & Fynx


Signing up
Team Name: Ouroboros Ryders
Team Captain: Areus
Crew 1: Caprontos
Crew 2: Ayetach
Crew 3: Skybox-
Division: Veteran
Mercenary (Y/N): Yes

Community Events / Re: Monday Munker Madness
« on: July 04, 2016, 11:20:21 am »
Title ideas:

Master Miner
Wise Munk


This is the sign up for the Sunday Community Skirmish #110, happening on July 9th at 7pm UTC (3pm EDT)

Sunday Community Skirmish is a weekly event created and organized by members of the community in a way to provide every team a weekly opportunity for guaranteed matches against other teams.

All matches are 2vs2 and time limited.

Click here for any information you need

The stream, brackets and respective map rolls will be posted here once the sign ups are closed (hosted on ).

Sign up requirements:

  • Team name
  • Contact point (IGN and/or steam)
  • Logo (optional)

Points of contact

If you're looking for subs, looking to be a sub, or want to find a ship to partner with, there is a thread here for just such a purpose.

Post here if you're looking for another ship to partner with, subs to play on your ship, or are simply looking to join a team for SCS #110 on July 9th.


Fancy Maenad Ryders signing up
POC Areus & Dementio

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