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Messages - Schnalei

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: New ship?
« on: August 12, 2015, 02:17:59 am »
Toggle button is temp UI that should never be seen. That ship on the other hand looks like it just filled everything with defaults. Goldfish being the default ship name, and 6 gun slots being the max the UI can handle.
Those stats on the other hand...........leaky leaky......

Galleon stats, no other ship statistically pokes the edge of the of the firepower stats.

Speaking of which, does Light Carronade happen to be the default light gun?
Pretty sure Galleon has better engine stats. (Admittedly, with my current connection I can't verrify this claim.)
It's the first thing i checked, and it's 100% no Galleon stats  ;)
it has less maneuverability and is even tankier

General Discussion / Re: New ship?
« on: August 11, 2015, 06:07:03 pm »
Well, it's definitly some sort of bug, but i don't believe it's 'just' that

General Discussion / New ship?
« on: August 11, 2015, 05:32:31 pm »
So i was Playing Goi all casual and stuff, when i opened this by accindent in a lobby:
It seems like a non fully implemented ship, whose stats somehow made it to me.
It also doesnt macht the stats of a Galleon, and no other ships has 6 guns, epsacially light ones.
so i thought if you guys know something about it or have something similar appear to you?
Also what do you guys think about that strange tool in the bottom right recomended loadouts?

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