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Messages - Atrusario

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: A cry for change
« on: January 16, 2017, 07:54:04 pm »
I think it's safe to say I'm not the only one who thought Alliance would either be a make or break for GOIO; either a time of revival or ignorance.

Over the past three years since I first began playing Guns, there has not been a single content update to skirmish. This is absurd, especially for this genre of game. Even then skirmish hung in Alliance's shadow, and that is nearly unfathomable. Alliance finally entered the public eye (for real and after many, many delays) and I personally did not enjoy it. That's not to speak of it's quality, for that's an entirely different topic. The point is this: Alliance split this already small community in half in terms of lobby population, and I think this is another example of Muse misjudging their game and the community as a whole.

Listen, Muse! So many people here want your success! We need to work together! You need us just like we need you!


You know what needs to be done.

I want to take this chance to thank the greater GOIO community for working so hard towards GOIO's success. It's truly been an amazing experience to watch and be involved in.

Now the the GUI changes have ceased in Guns of Icarus, I've pushed out an update (1.3.3) to support them. I've also improved the screenshot loader so that the resulting images are sharper and not as squished.

Feel free to contact me with any bugs or feature ideas you have. Thank you for everyone's continual support of this project, most notably Atruejedi. This wouldn't even exist without him!  8)

General Discussion / Re: Guns of Icarus Map Images [DOWNLOAD]
« on: August 11, 2016, 01:48:49 pm »
It's so tiny. *u*

General Discussion / Guns of Icarus Map Images [DOWNLOAD]
« on: August 11, 2016, 12:03:56 pm »
Hello everyone!  8)

I recently began work on a Scenario Editor for Guns of Icarus (More information in THIS thread).

While developing the application, I was surprised to find out that there is no way to access the map images for Guns of Icarus because they are compressed, so I made my own by parsing together screenshots in-game. It didn't take a particularly long time, and isn't a truly monumental task, but for all those who might need them in the future, here they are:


I'll start work on a "Guns of Icarus Scenario Developer" program. The plan is for it to allow you to choose a map, place ships, and edit the guns and their ammo types. From there you can move the ships around, save scenarios, and show / hide gun arcs. I'll post any updates to the project in this thread for now. Once it's in a working state, I'll make it's own thread.

All ideas are not only WELCOME, but NECESSARY to make this project all it can be! Feel free to post yours in this thread!

Just a quick update (1.3.2) requested by Atruejedi that extenuates the decimal read out on the weight menus to the hundredths place. Originally, I removed the decimals because it looked cleaner, but function is priority!

If you have any requests, bug fixes, or questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for everyone's continual support of this project! ;D

Just a quick update (1.3.1):

A bug was discovered where when you try to mix the crew of only one side without having mixed at all previously, an error would occur. This problem has been resolved.

If you ever discover any issues with the application, please let me know so that I can get them fixed! :D

Update 1.3.0 has just released and introduces some pretty amazing features into the program. These additions help to eliminate a lot of the time it takes to set up CHAOS matches! All thanks to some brilliant ideas by PeterPun, you can now load a screenshot of your lobby directly into the program and player name data will be extracted from it! How did I not think of that before?! The name of the player previously in a slot is now shown to speed up the switching process as well.

Thank you for your undying support for this program! Feel free to comment bellow any thoughts, comments, or question you might have.

Peter Pun,

I regards to your idea of using a screenshot, I have a few comments.

Firstly, I love the idea! It would speed things up tremendously. I can honestly say that I don't recall ever thinking of this. :o

On the other hand, I see a lot of complications with the implementation. Picture analysis gets pretty complicated when you start working with different resolutions and whatnot. Anything more than simple ratio-based extraction would be difficult. At any rate, I'd be happy to discuss the idea with you further!

Thank you for the kind words!

I created this program using GameMaker: Studio, which uses a proprietary language named GML (Game Maker Language). I might not be the greatest development platform ever, but it greatly speeds up the rate at which I can create applications. Plus, it's severely underrated. When used properly, it can be used to make just about anything!

Thank you to everyone who has given their continual support to this project! This latest update (1.2.0) is a fairly neat one that adds some all important features to the randomizer. You now have the ability to customize the randomization weights of ships, guns, and tools! For example, if there is a tool you do not like, you can prevent it from being randomly selected. If there is a gun you would like to be selected more often than others, than you can do that too!

Feel free to comment regarding these changes, or any changes you would like to see in the future. If you ever find a bug in the program, please PM me so that I can repair it in the next patch!

I'm glad to hear that CHAOS is being revived! My development on this program pretty much ceased when CHAOS did. I still managed to have some fun times in random lobbies where I convinced all the captains to do it. In one of my most memorable games, someone got a Squid with 2 Harpoons and a Gatling on the rear, so he essentially spent the entire game rear-ending the enemy spire.

We won...

Nonetheless, this current version (1.1.0) is a stable one. Who knows, I might be able to throw together an update this week.  ;D
(Of course I am exaggerating. I would never throw together an update. Perhaps it would be better to say that I will intentionally place an update...)

General Discussion / If You Were a Ship, Which Ship Would You Be?
« on: February 10, 2016, 07:32:56 pm »
Each ship in Guns of Icarus has a different personality; which would you be?! Post your reasoning in the comments below.

I would most likely be a Galleon because I am complex, difficult to offend, and have many tools at my disposal. I am also a strategist at heart, and a Galleon requires a bit more forward thinking than other ships, considering its speed and layout.

Thanks for your response! I agree that the reveal in the lobby is a lot of fun, and I've even thought of adding a function to reveal certain aspects of the lobby to the clients, by choice of the server. The purpose of the server/client functions, however, is timeliness, so I feel that those two goals are somewhat contradictory.

I went into the creation of the server/client system with the knowledge that it will not be commonly used because of the port-forwarding requirement, and because getting everyone in a lobby to set up an external application is unlikely, especially with randoms. Unfortunately I couldn't think of any better way to communicate lobby data to many people at once. One of my first ideas was adding a button that would format the lobby data into a block of text and throw it onto the clipboard.  :o

Something like this:

red ship 1: goldfish
   pilot: Atrusario
      loadout 1: spyglass
      loadout 2: kerosine
      loadout 3: moonshine
      loadout 4: spanner
      loadout 5: incendiary
   gunner: Atrujedi
      loadout 1: spyglass
      loadout 2: spanner
      loadout 3: charged
      loadout 4: greased
      loadout 5: incendiary
   engi 1: FranckM
      loadout 1: spyglass
      loadout 2: spanner
      loadout 3: mallet
      loadout 4: chemspray
      loadout 5: incendiary
   engi 2: Schwalbe
      loadout 1: spyglass
      loadout 2: spanner
      loadout 3: mallet
      loadout 4: chemspray
      loadout 5: incendiary

   gun 1: heavy flak
   gun 2: harpoon
   gun 3: harpoon

That obviously wouldn't have worked for many reasons: the GOIO chat character limit, it's annoying to read through, and keep in mind that the text above is only for one ship. Voice chat works well enough for ship layouts and player positions, but if you wanted to randomize player loadouts, it would become a nightmare to communicate. If anyone has any ideas for better communicating lobby data, please feel free to let me know! I'm always open to suggestions.

As far as your suggestion goes regarding weighing item randomization probability, I like! Toggling the appearance of items is good enough, but setting their weights would be even better. I really appreciate this suggestion as the thought never crossed my mind. I'll see what I can do.  ;D

I don't think that the option to "not repeat" is quite as necessary, as you can simply re-roll a ship if you dislike the outcome. I personally find it more fun to leave the possibility of getting the same ships open, but I'm not going to rule out this addition entirely. It would be relatively easy to add, so I might throw it in a future update.

Again, thank you for your response. I greatly value your feedback!

Thanks to everyone for their support in this project! This latest update (1.1.0) is a pretty big one and I'd be glad to take suggestions or comments regarding it. I bug tested all of the server/client functions the best I could, but if you do manage to find something out of place, please PM me so that I can get it fixed in the next patch.

Currently, these are the two planned features to add (but no promises  :P ):

-A manageable list of player names to be used for auto-completion
-A list of items to exclude from the randomizer

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