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Messages - Dracorean

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Problem with gunner/Two engineering slots on gunners?
« on: July 25, 2015, 04:05:28 am »
To me the buff hammer and 'Normal' ammo seems to be the problem in a nut shell. A quick and simple solution would be to modify these two tools and others accordingly to balance things out, such as buff hammer increasing performance than damage. Or make normal rounds a selectable ammo type and modifying other ammo types is another option.

This would lead to empty guns at the start, but I can say at the start, gunners and engis usually load in a special ammo type within 15 seconds of the game. It was suggested before but there really isn't much else that could be done without drastically changing something about the classes you can choose from. Gungineers are very flexible given the two ammo types, if restricted to one that would remove this flexibility.

This won't remove gungineers however, an engineer with a buff hammer and grease rounds can give out high DPS, but only at short ranges, the buff hammer 'should' be modified to either remove negative effects of an ammo type or buff the attributes of the ammo type, depending on the type of ammo used and not the gun itself. So having a gunner with multiple ammo types can benefit from an engineers buff hammer. Though its just a concept, engineers, buff/gungineers, and gunners should all be viable class options regardless of ship they are on really.

General Galleon gunner;

As a Gunner on a Hwatcha Galleon, and When the Engineer gets on one of the four Hwatchas

As a Goldfish Captain;

• I like to move fast, hit em hard! So long as the engineers keep fixing the engines!

As a Pyramidion Captain;

• We only "need" 2 guns! The ones facing the ship I'm charging!
• What do you mean you need help? I can fix all that crap back there while being burned, blended, and hwatchaed when I'm an engi! - True story

On a Junker;

• Remember! Rule of thumb, always have a gat and a mortar facing the same side at all times, even on a munker! It's the meta ya know!

On a Spire;

• I like to quickly fire everything before we die!

On a Mobula;

• This is why we need a 5th!
• I was keeping the armor/balloon up just fine! But the balloon/armor just couldn't hold!

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