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Messages - Jed Stream

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Navigation, armor and crew.
« on: June 09, 2015, 01:39:27 pm »
Thanks for your replies. I know about the map and blue tube, however it would be nice to know how many meters are between the bottom of my Spire and the ground! And who I could currently outrun /catch given the current state of my engines.

I am not saying I have problems, these are just suggestions.

I am checking the map orientations as I play and may be mistaken!

Feedback and Suggestions / Navigation, armor and crew.
« on: June 09, 2015, 02:50:55 am »
I think that it would help the pilot if the airships had a few gauges to measure altitude, speed and vertical movement. Also if all the maps had the same orientation, with the top being towards the north, it would make the compass direction HUD easier to use.

Perhaps the captain could choose to add additional armor (limited by vessel type of course) going for a heavier, more protected vessel but with a speed and maneuverability penalty. Or even remove some to increase those attributes.

Instead of the vessel numbers being equal perhaps you could spread the teams over different numbers of airships. For an extreme example you could have four Squids with three crew each versus one Galleon with twelve crew. Obviously the match balancing would be 'interesting'!

Gameplay / Re: Tips- Fish Vs Spires King of Hill
« on: June 03, 2015, 11:06:55 am »
Many thanks for your replies- lots of food for thought.

Gameplay / Tips- Fish Vs Spires King of Hill
« on: June 03, 2015, 02:38:04 am »
Hello all- as title says I am looking for advice in dealing with 2 Spires sitting on the capture point. I tried to get in close with my ally (Goldfish as well) but they picked us off at long range. It was the map with lots of buildings. We tried coming from opposite directions but got taken out just as quick (5-10 secs). I realise they were very experienced and probably had all 4 crew on buffed weapons but how can I make more of a fight of it? Cheers.

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