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Messages - mRhetoric

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Gameplay / Re: 1.4.0 Pyra. Too much stick?
« on: February 25, 2015, 06:26:50 pm »
Well dang, Pyramidion, Squid, and Spire are the three ships I fly and I just don't get any of these changes. I thought they were all balanced before, now it seems like Pyramidion is trash and Squid and Spire are way too durable for their supposed roles.

Squid's low armor is actually a boon coupled with its high speed. You only have a short time to fire on the hull before the armor comes back up since it takes so few spanner hits to repair. Now it has a gigantic pool of permahull too, in addition to being faster. I don't understand making it both faster and more durable.

The Spire change seems ok, but I feel like double or triple gatling Spires with heavy flak are too strong at close/medium ranges now. It can focus the most firepower of any ship in the game, and now has the health to rumble. I enjoyed Spire before because it required team coordination to protect it, but now it looks like it can just brawl by itself.

I don't understand the Pyramidion nerf at all. It seems like the problem was never its durability or speed, but its firepower. It's supposed to be at the front, taking the beatings right? Pyramidion is differentiated from the other ships by having high armor, but dying quickly if the armor goes down. That's fine, but it doesn't even have as much armor as Junker, and now they took away 150 health. It should have gotten some armor in return at least. If their problem was metamidions, then why not nerf the gatling, or greased ammo? 

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