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Messages - seriouschess

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Gameplay / Re: Favorite Gun-Ammo Combination
« on: February 02, 2015, 06:57:27 pm »
Mercury Field Gun + charged messes things up.

Gameplay / Re: Junker viability and builds
« on: February 02, 2015, 02:53:47 am »
Personally, I think the junker is one of the most underrated ships in the game. It has the fastest turn speed in the game, high armor, and the most guns of any ship of its size. Some downsides are a lackluster speed, hull and (here's the big one) a large balloon that screams 'pop me'.

Have the gunner stay on the bottom of the ship and the engineers split up the bow and stern on the top deck. Use the fact that a junker can turn fast to maximize the use of its guns. It is a firepower centered highly maneuverable platform.

Some builds I like:

Front gun: Flamethrower
Left guns: 2x Banshee
Right guns: Gatling mortar

This build can pretty much handle anything. Crews seem to like it too because it allows them to get on a bunch of different kind of guns. The banshees are for long range, the Gat mortar is for short range and the flamethrower is a defensive weapon to disable ships. It can also be used offensively to charge a ship, burn it, and finish it off with the right guns. Takes a little bit to train a crew to do it right but when you do you're pretty deadly.

Front gun: Artemis
Left guns: 2x Artemis
Right guns: Gatling Mortar

If you point this ship in the front left direction at a target, you will be able to use 3 Artemis launchers at once. Since you have 3 crew members the firepower of this ship is arguably as much as a Mobula at range. Yes it can bring down Mobulas at range. Great for 3v3. This build is also not a slouch at all in close quarters when you use the guns on the right. If an enemy gets close, phoenix claw the ship around to face the right weapons and tell your crew to finish them off.

Front gun: Gatling gun
Left guns: Gatling Mortar
Right guns: Gatling Mortar

This build is totally trolltastic. At the right angles, the front and the right-or-left Gatling gun can be fired at the same time for some fast removal of armor. Then you turn to the mortar to finish a ship off. It kills really quickly, but it's a short range only build and has no fire disable.

There are really a lot of options for the junker and it is easily one of my favorite ships. And yes, it is very viable. Just watch out for hellhound blender-fish.

Gameplay / Re: Weapon Ratings: From Golden to Garbage
« on: January 20, 2015, 12:46:32 am »
I read your posts and played a few more games. Here's what I came up with as of now.

Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun:  Want to kill a ship? Damage the hull! Want to damage the hull? Use this weapon. It’s the best for breaking that all important barrier, and it breaks a lot of other things too such as guns and engines.

Hellhound Heavy Twin Carronade: This weapon is so popular, it has an entire build named after it called the ‘Blenderfish’. Pop a balloon, and kill a ship. This single weapon is a complete strategy, and dang is it annoying to go up against!

Scylla Double-barreled Mortar: Break ships with stripped hulls at short range. Little use for anything else, but that’s a pretty important thing to do!

Barking Dog Light Cannonade: Yeah I can admit when I’m wrong. A balloon popper is not fun to fight against. Pair that with a flamethrower and now you’re just being mean. It does have a very short range though, so it has a specific role.

Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower: If batman were chemspray this weapon would be the joker. Still, it remains quite popular as it can overwhelm enemies with persistence. A solid close range option for speedy ships that can afford the risk, or larger ships that want to give speedy ships something to think about!

Banshee Light Rocket Carousel: A longer ranged slightly less effective flamethrower. Want to send engineers running and give them something to do? Pelt an enemy ship with some of these. Not bad against stripped hulls either. A persistent stream of rockets will eventually disable and kill a ship. Recoil issues prevent extreme range use without heavy clip.

Artemis Light Rocket Launcher: Hull damage and explosive damage in the same weapon. Enough of them (say 2 or 3) is capable of killing ships, if you are patient enough. Wide firing arc permits many different applications.

Hades Light Cannon: If you can hit with it, you should use it. It’s better against larger ships because it is difficult to aim. A consistent volley will put any ship it bad shape though, removing its armor and setting it on fire.

Manticore Heavy Hwacha: You better Hwatch yourself! One barrage from this weapon can disable an entire flank of a ship’s guns and engines. A good finisher with enough persistence.

Echidna Light Flack Gun: This weapon is only good as a long ranged de-hulled ship killer. It must be used at range and does not have much armor damage capability. Pair it with a mercury, shoot ally ship’s targets, but whatever you do don’t expect to use it alone. Its overly specific role belies its usefulness.

Beacon Flare Gun:  Once again, a useful utility. I have seen it turn the tactical situation of games by revealing a target or denying a squidfish a flanking opportunity. Is it a weapon? Some say it is. I have yet to see 2 mounted in front of a pyramiridion though.

Lumberjack Heavy Mortar: The long ranged balloon killer. Good for 3v3s or stopping enemy ships in their tracks. It’s heavy and has a narrow fire cone though. See mercury field gun.

Mercury Field Gun: While not completely useless, this weapon has a purpose which is so specific it is rarely used. A very long ranged narrow cone light hull damage weapon. Having such a specific purpose relegates this weapon to open maps of 3v3 where ships spend time in a standoff exchanging ranged volleys.

Phobos Mine launcher: I have seen people use these more often now beyond king of the hill. It actually is a good area denial tool which can knock ships off course or flat out kill them by shooting down on them. Takes a lot of practice to get the arc right which makes it less reliable, but it pays off when it works.

Typhon Heavy Flak Cannon: It’s rarely used for a reason. Hard to hit with at range and does less damage up close. Perhaps hitting targets with it is a question of skill, but there are better, more dependable weapons out there.

Javelin Light Harpoon gun: I haven’t found a sky whale yet so I haven’t found a use for this.

General Discussion / Re: If you were a Game Modder.
« on: January 19, 2015, 11:16:19 pm »
I really like steampunk so I don't want to discredit the design direction of the game by saying this but: I would really like to see a space fleet Sim. This is the closest to genuine teamwork I have seen in such a game and the engine is pretty much built for it. Think of the idea of piloting a space destroyer and going broadside with an array of rail guns. Well, I am drooling just thinking about it.

I think star citizen will take the idea and run with it though. Hopefully.

Q&A / Re: Incendiary Rounds
« on: January 19, 2015, 11:07:22 pm »
I use them on a Gatling gun sometimes. Or a flack or mortar while waiting for the armor to decay and I have nothing better to load.

I like the idea of making the engineers run around and do something rather than manning another gun. Probably better against mobulas and pyramidions than squids or goldfish for that reason.

I think the biggest disadvantage is the -30% ammo speed. That makes whatever you shoot have a pretty short range so you have to get in very close. It's very situational to be sure.

Gameplay / Weapon Ratings: From Golden to Garbage
« on: December 30, 2014, 05:05:25 pm »
I have played a lot of GOI over the past week or so and I can’t really stop playing. I do quite enjoy the variety of weapons and have decided to make a list ranking them. Keep in mind this list is my opinion based on my play experience and listening to the opinions of other players. So read on, as I rate the weapons of GOI from golden to garbage:


Banshee Light Rocket Carousel: This is one of the few weapons that can destroy a ship by itself. The range is anywhere from long distance to point blank, and the fires it starts allows a crew to paralyze a ship from a distance. It’s an easy shot with fast direct fire projectiles. It’s not even bad flat damage since the rockets shoot so quickly. It’s hard to think of any disadvantages to be honest. You know what your ship needs? A Rocket Carousel.

Dragon Tongue Light Flamethrower: If you don’t think this weapon is useful you have never been attacked by it which makes you lucky. It will completely disable a ship sending its crew running to stop the fires that have been spread all over. If you decide to let it burn the next decision you will make will be which area to spawn next. The one disadvantage to this weapon is that it has a fantastically short range so at least captains can try to avoid it.

Hades Light Cannon: The heavy artillery that’s called light artillery. The hades is one of the few one man (woman?) show weapons that can take out a ship outright by itself. The only disadvantage of it is that it is difficult to aim. Still, the arc-meter makes things more manageable, and with enough of a skill climb, players can cut down mobulas and spires with it at a fair distance.

Scylla Double-barreled Mortar: The Scylla has one purpose: to deal heavy hull damage at close range. Its low armor damage makes it more of a finisher’s weapon that is best paired with something that damages ship armor/systems. It’s surprisingly not hard to aim at close range due to the high velocity projectiles and range of motion of the gun. Pretty effective for what it is designed to do, even if the range is short.

Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun: Possibly an underestimated weapon. The Gatling gun is probably the easiest of the weapons to use with a variety of possible ranges and near guaranteed accuracy with high velocity rapid fire projectiles. What makes this weapon so useful is its ability to strip armor. When used simultaneously with another weapon that deals hull damage it will destroy a ship with sure consistency.

Manticore Heavy Hwacha: Easy, deadly, and most enjoyable. This weapon is usable at a surprisingly versatile set of ranges and can deal lots of damage with little investment from the gunner. You can even shoot it quick and leave it to load by itself while you are off doing something else. The gunner “heavy clip” ability turns what would be a spread fire gun into a longer range bombard artillery piece. 20 AOE rockets in less than 5 seconds? Ouch.

Echidna Light Flack Gun: This weapon is a pretty average one with average damage, average difficulty of use, and average (medium) range. The major disadvantage of the light flack gun is that it will do a fraction of its damage up close and with no area of affect. Anywhere in the middle range though and you are going to be dealing some hull damage. It pairs well with certain weapons, but has a hard time standing alone.

Artemis Light Rocket Launcher: A weapon that’s pretty easy to do consistent damage with at very long range; like across the map long range. It has limited ship killing capability and any gunner that has pegged a Galleon for 2 minutes with it can find the damage wanting. A common misconception people have with it is that it is meant to kill ships. Anything short of a Mobula with 3 isn’t going to do that. In the right situation it’s a handy long ranged ship harassment tool, in other situations it’s better to go with something else.

Beacon Flare Gun: I don’t consider this a gun, but it’s worth mentioning. It is a utility tool and a useful one at that. It can change the tactical situation very quickly to reveal an enemy force in the clouds. If you have a weapon slot that does not do anything in your build consider using this instead.

Lumberjack Heavy Mortar: Not a bad weapon all things considered. It’s heavy, has a short turn radius and deals pretty disappointing damage up close. It is, however the only heavy weapon with the range to snipe with. The shots travel so fast it is easy to arc with even far off. The shots also do enough damage to eventually destroy anything with enough determination. It does, however, take a lot of determination or perhaps support from other ships/guns.

Phobos Mine launcher: Honestly, I have only used this weapon effectively once, but I hear players specifically call it out by name in anger so it must be effective for something. Most useful in capture games. A novel utility, but cannot be relied on for any consistent damage.

Hellhound Heavy Twin Carronade: Yeah, it’s… ok. At very short range it will eventually deal the damage needed to wreck a ship. Being a heavy weapon though, it requires too much for the investment. It does not help that a Manticore is better in almost every way.

Typhon Heavy Flak Cannon: A quaint idea with a sub-par execution. Heavy cannon balls lobbed at range that explode? I’m in! Add that the cannon balls travel slowly and fall steeply at range and you will be lucky to hit anything. Up close? Sorry flack takes time in the air to arm so you have to shoot it from far away. Too long ranged to be considered a bombard cannon and too short ranged to be considered a sniper. You’re better off with something else.

Mercury Field Gun: I almost forgot to add this weapon because I don’t even consider using it after I found out how useless it is. It has an extremely narrow turn cone, takes forever to load, and does paltry damage. By the time your crew mates get the 2 shots off it’s time to use another weapon. Replace this with something more effective like the Artemis.

Barking Dog Light Cannonade: The worst of all guns: short range, light damage, wide spread and slow to load. If you still don’t believe it’s useless after reading this ask yourself: if you are equipping a Barking dog, why don’t you just use a flamethrower instead?

Javelin Light Harpoon gun: This is another novelty tool, but because I have never seen it used effectively before in all the games I have played and in all the research I have done it’s down here. “The harpoon gun was first invented to hunt skywhales.” Sounds about right.


So what do you think? Is this your assessment as well? Is the list out of order? Do you have a list of your own? Comments welcome.

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