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Messages - Alexor Huxley

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General Discussion / Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« on: February 15, 2015, 09:22:00 pm »
I'll make myself a little more clear before bowing out since this obviously isn't a popular opinion:

I have encountered exactly two people who I would call jerks - or freshmen in high school without hobbies, it remains to be seen. These people rebutted pretty much every post I made for the first few weeks with "Lul, whatever noob, gonna go back to winning. PEACE!" These people made a noob feel unwelcome because the three numbers under my name seemed to invalidate my ideas. These are the elitists of whom I speak.

That's all. No need to enter elaborate explanation on why you're all awesome. You are. That's not what I'm disputing. Merely that some people who like winning more than having fun lurk in the community and are jerks to newcomers. It's simple.


General Discussion / Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« on: February 15, 2015, 03:00:34 pm »

But again, I've only ever seen people freak on the forums, so. There's that.

That is a rather dubious generalization. Perhaps you are only looking for the freaking out?
Oh no, I didn't mean that that's all I see on the forums, I meant that I've only seen hostility toward noobs on the forums as opposed to in-game. To say it a different way, no matter how frustrated elites are in-game, they're almost always chums about it. I only ever experienced anti-new-player sentiment on the forum. Like looking at one surface and finding certain bacteria, and looking at another and finding different bacteria. It doesn't mean the latter species is all that exist on that surface, only that it's a new environmental factor that I hadn't noticed previously.

Make sense?

I think the more than educating new players on all the ins and outs of being a pro airship crewman, the community needs to find and accept a balance of player interest levels. I'm a full-time college student with an internship and two jobs. I understand it's a small community, and there are a lot of influential, highly skilled members here, but sometimes it feels a little like a religious conversion. Get good fast, or you're wasting our time in-game. Or, join our super awesome clan so you can one day be super good and compete with us - but I can't in good conscience sign up for something I won't be able to carry through on.

Now, I certainly won't stop playing, and this definitely doesn't apply to everyone here. To the contrary, as I said before, just a few very vocal individuals, but it's still a little jarring for new members visiting the forums.

General Discussion / Re: Killing the community, one game at a time.
« on: February 14, 2015, 11:55:58 am »
Most of my discouragement has come while on the forums. There are a few very vocal elitists here who repeatedly say "lul h8 pubz, prvt match 4tw". If I get stomped by an all-clan team or something, I take it as a bad match and keep playing. It's when I get on here and realize the aforementioned people are so pretentious that I go a little stir crazy.

It's like this one time when I played chess with a guy who was totally into it. I play chess for fun, for a mental exercise. He looked angrily at my apparently arbitrary movements and said, "I don't recognize this strategy. Do you know how to play?" There's a difference between tic-tac-toe'ing with squares, X's, and O's and enjoying the game without breaking it down into a precise science which, when deviated from, people freak at the noobs. Playing three-corners is significantly less exciting for people who are about playing rather than winning.

But again, I've only ever seen people freak on the forums, so. There's that.

The Gallery / Re: GOI Board Game
« on: February 04, 2015, 03:49:52 pm »
Awesome ^^ I must definitely peruse these rules more thoroughly once I'm not in the midst of helping produce a show.

« on: February 02, 2015, 09:22:13 pm »
I'm so confused, but I too shall stand with the Tank. If only for fear of being flattened by a wall of caps.

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3.9 Release Notes
« on: January 26, 2015, 11:10:47 pm »
stamina based system

Oh please no
I second this expression of dread. I see ships being sunken a lot more quickly if this is true.

"Sorry cap, my adrenaline couldn't keep up. I just wasn't terrified for my life enough to maintain my body's heightened state of activity and keep up repairs. Maybe you should buy a coffee maker for your next commission."

Feedback and Suggestions / Forum Suggestion: Roleplay Classifieds
« on: January 26, 2015, 03:38:43 pm »

So, I was thinking about this thread among others. It seems that the roleplay community has indeed hit a bit of a dry spell, and I think I know why. Speaking for myself, I'd be hesitant to begin an open roleplay thread with little idea of who would be involved, whether they'd stick it out, whether their ideas differ vastly, et cetera. With the exception of some kind of open letter inviting people to some mysterious meeting, I think a lot of stories are fairly specific and directed.

That's why I think there should be a subforum of the Cantina for roleplay classifieds; that is, a subforum in which people can advertise/give information on a roleplay story they'd like to carry out and give details about it. Right now (although some have deviated), the Cantina is for the stories and there isn't really a place for people to say "Hey, I wanna explore a story for three people about a blind sky pirate, a paralyzed philosopher, and a golem with an identity crisis. Who's in?" Because there isn't anyplace for people to find roleplay partners, there isn't any easy way to get one off the ground, and the community experiences a dearth of roleplay content.

I think the roleplay community for any game like GoI is imperative for the development of the game. While that may sound kind of conceited, having an entire group of people generating content, lore, and ideas is an infinitely more valuable resource than Jess trying to piece together an entire world by herself (with help from the rest of Muse, obviously, but isn't she the lore girl?). By that, I mean that even if 99% of our content is unimportant/contrary to the final lore, maybe it could help Jess and the world devs by giving them ideas of what they want or don't want. Monkeys, typewriters, Bible, etc.

I don't know about ya'll, but I hate the OOC/irrelevant threads in the Cantina. This could solve the annoying OOC posts and I really do think it would bolster roleplay output significantly.


World / Re: Government in the GOIO
« on: January 15, 2015, 09:11:56 pm »
Well, since this has been dug up!

With regard to the Chaladonians: I don't think they're as isolationist as one might think. They at least have enough fingers in the world's pie to send reinforcements to Hanat in a direct move to thwart the Anglean Republic. Which pretty much means they're enemies of the Republic for some reason or another.

I get this from the info card for the Anglean Raiders 3v3 map.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Tame The Trolls
« on: January 11, 2015, 08:11:42 pm »
Iunno... Like I hate Gnosch and LeonXCross because he can be kind of a douche, but as vets we got the maturity (well I do) to play properly with him and he does too (when he has no choice). If that avoid player function existed by the time that enmity existed strongly, I never would have gotten those victories with him (totally thanks to me).

Point one: I agree with Replaceable. It's a game.

Point two: Well, since those victories were totally thanks to you, you'd have won them with somebody who didn't irk you so much. Which only seems like a positive thing. So I'm confused.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Tame The Trolls
« on: January 11, 2015, 07:08:47 pm »
Simple solution:

Avoid player function. Matchmaking never makes you play with them again, unless there's only one game on the server. In which case, you can stuff it because clearly you still want to play the game if you click the big "play" button.


No tribunals that give unnecessary workloads to our ambassadors that actually have lives, no subjective grading scale that lets a boat full of clanmates screw you over. Avoid player. Done.

World / Re: Fjord Baronies
« on: January 11, 2015, 06:03:33 pm »
I concur with Ceresbane. The balloons are almost secondary - like the one all the way to the left. At least with most of the present ships we can trick ourselves into saying "Ah yeah, that balloon can support the weight of the ship" because the balloon is usually about twice the size of the gondola. The balloons on the left are smaller than the gondola.

Also, they look too much like Bretonian ships from Freelancer:

The Lounge / Re: What makes you like Guns of Icarus?
« on: January 11, 2015, 04:04:38 pm »
I was won over by the intense... Um... "Dogfights"? If that's the right word? Most of it was probably owed to novice public matches when everybody charges headlong into the 3v3 deathmatch, but that still kind of rocked. Peeling away at the last moment because I didn't know collisions were an effective means of dealing damage. Gunners spraying weapons like madmen.

It was all very dramatic.

And I love steampunk and post-apocalyptia, so it's kind of perfect. It also reminds me of the Mortal Engines quartet, which I really like (even though I've only read three of four so far).

The Signal Tower / Re: My very own GOIO videos.
« on: January 11, 2015, 03:45:51 pm »
Hey man, forget all these folks ((except Skrim) I mean, their advice is good, but the spirit behind their advice is lackluster!). You got the number one rule right as far as I'm concerned: have fun. I've seen people criticize the tactical disadvantages of an all-flare Mobula, which of course is a joke in itself and needs to criticism.

Well done. I was greatly entertained by these videos! Would watch again. xD

General Discussion / Exactly how big is our roleplay community?
« on: January 05, 2015, 11:47:29 pm »
Pretty much what the title says.

I'm really into roleplay, and would love to sew some new lore with fellow players, but the Cantina seems more suited toward individual character bios/stories than cooperative roleplaying which would require a little more organization than a single forum section can provide.

Since it doesn't have an overly developed roleplay section, I was just wondering how big that part of our community is? I guess just a show of hands or something, or the observational wisdom of an older member. I'd just like to know if putting too much love into something would be fruitless or not.


World / Re: Food in this world
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:56:25 pm »
Quote from: Ceresbane
All hunting is with airships.
I would argue that people wouldn't waste their resources fueling airships for something as relatively menial as hunting, unless they lived so deep in the desert that not even hardy arid-climate game existed. Which would imply absolutely zero fresh water, which would further imply that people wouldn't be there anyway.

Since this is a steampunk universe, airship propellers are spun via steam engine. This means that the engine consumes both water and hard-wrought natural resources like coal (or, in a pinch, wood - whatever they're burning). The game they'd capture on a hunting expedition with an airship wouldn't efficiently feed their community to extract those resources.

Thus, I'd suggest that airships are used for freight and picking a fight, and any derivatives thereof. Anything that could produce an immediate profit, but not as a means to the simple end of subsisting.

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