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Messages - Manasong

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: What's more fun?
« on: December 26, 2014, 03:40:38 pm »
Gunner: Watch as the engies keep firing your guns and never let you load the right ammo. Watch the captain using flak at close range and never give you arch of fire
Engineer: Watch as your captain allows the enemy to use you as a target practice. Watch as the gunner never uses the right gun at the right time.
Pilot: Watch your engineers repair guns while engines are out. Watch the gunner never use the gun and ammo you want him to.

Yeah... Well, at least as a pilot its harder to notice when your crew is bad.

General Discussion / Re: Steam Sales
« on: December 21, 2014, 06:29:01 pm »
I have no problem with steam sales, but it does make me sad to see the growth of assholes and completely clueless novices playing, having a good crew is what makes or breaks a match. It's a "necessary evil" as the sales give more money to muse and more visibility, more people might actually give this game a shot and love it.

All I hope is that these sales help the game get better.

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