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Messages - Boxman.

Pages: [1]
The Docks / Re: φAO (Angelic Odyssey) is recruiting now! Join the Angels!
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:59:50 am »
1. Location: (Country/Province/State)
2. Age: (How old are you?)
3. Experience with GOIO (How long have you been playing?)
 I have 56 hours clocked on the game
4. Why you want to join Angelic Odyssey: (Why do you want to join us?)
A clan member told me about it and it and I thought it looked interesting 
5. What makes you a good addition to the clan: (What classes do you like to play and why?)
I like to play engineer, I would like to think I am some what good at the game
6. Other Info: (Tell us anything else you'd like us to know about you)
 I am active on Guns of Icarus so you won't have to worry about that I guess

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