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Messages - Jedidiah V

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: The Blind Captain
« on: November 15, 2014, 12:07:44 am »
BAHAHAHA! They should call you "The Blind Admiral" for that stunt!

Have you ever heard of "The Iron Man Challenge"? It is a famous, industry-wide, and often unofficial, hard-mode players take up when the base game, even on highest difficulty settings, simply isn't enough. However, it is taken very seriously.

You and your faithful (or treacherous?) crew could very well have started a goofy cousin to that challenge: "The Blind Man Challenge".

Terms: Turn off your screen and go by sound alone. If you are in co-op (probable), trust their guidance, and don't hold back any laughter.

Engineers and Gunners with brain damage (represented by inverted mouse, twisted mouse sensitivity, etc.) is oh so delicious icing on the cake.

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