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Messages - Liva

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: XP system seems wonky
« on: October 28, 2014, 03:45:06 pm »
Also the problem with the current system is - I can be the greatest engineer ever but with captain lvl3 I will still loose - and it will count as my fail to the Matchmaker.

So doing repairs (as opposed to rebuilds) and keeping stuff chemed as engineer doesn't award bonus xp?

Apparently not.  You only get rewarded for allowing things to break and catch on fire, not for preventing it from happening.

Wow. Just wow.
If you put it that way - it is incredibly stupid.

I also found this problem. After a good game on Pyramidion, during which I was constantly on the move, doing repairs and keeping things chem sprayed. I even managed to shoot enemies, and not because my job was so easy but because I had short opportunities to. Even our gunner praised me to be efficient. But what did I get? One rebuild and next to no exp.

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