Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Swappable engines?
« on: October 18, 2016, 07:04:03 pm »If I recall, the reactions fell into two categories.
A. Wowzy. I want that.
B. No way. I needs to know exactly what the enemy can do. Don't mess wit mah meta.
Much like gun loadouts I'm sure it would be visible from the enemy ship design page in the lobby before the game started, so they'd just have to look to see what they're up against. When Nietz and I were talking about this, you don't even need to change the NUMBER of engines, necessarily, but do a palette swap to make them visually distinct somehow through the spyglass.
Use the Mobula for instance. take all 3 engines and make them.......heck, lets say Blue-tint for basic equipment, green-tint for speed, dark red-tint for improved turning, etc etc.