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Messages - Eery Petrol

Pages: [1]
When a player does a tricky manuever on deck that could have ended up moving that player in one way or the other, the game sometimes comes back on its decision that the player went one way, and suddenly rubber bands the player into the other. I assume that this occurs because player positions are not being tracked player-side.

My question is why? So far, this has been the bottleneck for the on-deck movement freedom I've experienced in the game. And if I'm right in thinking that player position isn't done player-side, I'm curious to know why not. I'd think it can't be collision detection. The only detection with which player movement is involved, is with static ship architecture which I'd assume can be resolved player-side. So what's left that has to be done server side?

The thing that is relevant to the other players when any player is moving freely on the ship, is when that player legitimately clicks on or presses 'use' on ship objects. To check legitimacy of object interaction you do need server side info; you need to know whether the object is available for interaction. But this data is already being sent to the player. So why not just combine server side object status and player-side location data to determine legitimacy? This way you'd only send legitimate interactions and player position to the server. Wouldn't this allow more precise tactical movement and reduce the server load? I'm not saying. I don't know this stuff well enough, just curious.

p.s. If there is a previous topic that covers this please let me know, I did some searches and didn't come across any.

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