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Messages - Miki 'nEad

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: 2nd Gunner Midmatch Join
« on: June 09, 2017, 10:20:48 am »
Double gunner isn't THAT bad though.
I'm a pretty decent engineer with naught but a pipe wrench.

Just wish I didn't have to be...  ¬_¬

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: A cry for change
« on: January 24, 2017, 08:03:45 am »
I've never seen an AI gunned munker, and while I can't be sure (having not seen one), I doubt it would be effective. Loosing special ammos means that a decent human can always outperform the AI, even if it's only getting in a few extra shots by starting with lesmok.

AI don't fire mines, just like the flare they simply won't touch it.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: A cry for change
« on: January 17, 2017, 08:26:12 am »
Hilo, Miki here. ^^

I also support this thread.
I have in fact completely quit GOIO in the past. Broke all ties with the community and uninstalled the game.
It took Spud Nick, offering me a gunner's spot on his ship (<3 spud) to bring me back, and I only play competetively now.

Watching all my favorite things get nerfed into oblivion was a big part of why I left.
For instance, I spend a long long time practicing and perfecting my heavy carronade snipes, and I can honestly say I mastered it. It was my favorite thing to do, fully disabling those pesky metamidions with nothing but a carronade, even more fun than mines, and I was unrivalled at it (arts/mercs still beat it, so did a heavy clip hwacha + some good piloting, so don't give me that "it was unbalanced" stuff, arts are the meta even NOW), and then they just destroyed it. Making the heavy carronade pretty much a short range, less effective and less powerful version of the LJ.., which we don't need as we already have the LJ. (even at close range, loch LJ outperforms heavy carro for raw damage)
Not to mention that the heavy clip nerf ALSO hit the hwacha, light carro and gat, even the banshee to some extend. The artemis is the ONLY reliable mid to long range disabler left to us, with the hwacha being the only short ranged one.

This is just one example, but one that hit me, personally, quite hard. But it does illustrate how Muse appears to conflate "balancing" with "nerfing".

P.S. Spire is my favorite ship ever, please make it viable without turning it into a weaker version of the galleon!
I remember when the spire got a buff to it's perma, speed and maneuvrability, and it was great fun! But then it got nerfed again. :(

P.P.S. I just realised that, seeing as muse doesn't play it's own game, they get their information from statistics. But these statistics don't include variables such as; "Oh hey, they changed this thing! Come on, other veteran players, let's play with this new thing and have some fun!" Which results in an insanely high win/loss ration for the new thing, as all the strongest and best players, with their own favorite crew, flock to the game together to try out the update. From a statistics perspective, this would LOOK like the update is overpowered, while in reality it isn't, it is just in the hands of all the people who would win the matches anyways. You can't include things, such as full competetive teams stomping new players in your statistics when desciding if something is balanced or not, those matches (which are MOST matches, to be frank) are inherently unbalanced because of it's participants, so they provide skewed results, the ships/weapons/ammo used is a negligible parameter.

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