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Messages - Pagnasty

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: character progression needed
« on: June 10, 2014, 04:39:23 pm »
Or a way to encourage new players to stick with the game to become better ... im a new player and i see if i play for 20 weeks it will be the same as if i play for 1 week .. other then my new eye patch ... but some kind of beneifit like 1% damage per level on a gunner sould encourage me to level ... plus whats teh reason for haveing the 1-3 game and the open to any lvl games if no diffrence in levels .. ? .. some time things can be to balanced ... but if you like your game the way it is good on ya .. who am i to come in here with new fangled ideas and input and voice them ... hope your game goes strong for a long time its a fun game .. just dont want to see it stagnate with the same 20 people flying the same 3 ships all year long ..  ( If you want everyone to be even every fight you should only have 1 ship with 1 type of gun also .. ) .........................

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: character progression needed
« on: June 10, 2014, 12:17:48 pm »
not if you just give vets the buffs from a buff hammer .. somthing simple that can be counterd by non vets useing a buff hammer .. just MINOR change is all im talking about not like i said add FRIGGIN LAZERS !

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: character progression needed
« on: June 10, 2014, 09:50:32 am »
Dont think your Picking up what im putting down ...... ya a eye patch and a hat and a wodden leg are great and all but .........
... This is the convo that sparked my train of thought ..........................

[9:28:37 AM] TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: not even the fighting games any good this year .. they offer a little excitement ... whatever is not taken over by the MOBAs
[9:29:23 AM] m3chladon: Was funny EA showed off their Dawngate moba it got like no applause and no one asked about it at all in the wrap up interviews
[9:29:27 AM] m3chladon: literally no one cares
[9:29:41 AM] TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: sick of playing smite already because of the REQUIRED 45 minutes of free time ya need
[9:29:53 AM] m3chladon: yeah honestly i can't deal with that stuff anymore
[9:30:00 AM] m3chladon: ill just stick to guns of icarus
[9:30:06 AM] m3chladon: one of the few pvp games i like atm
[9:30:32 AM] TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: Guns is NICE .. just needs a little more character building like Killing Floor has
[9:30:43 AM] m3chladon: yeah
[9:30:54 AM] TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: just a tad bit more .. so close to being perfect
[9:31:31 AM] TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: maybe ill write them a post to the devs and see if they still interested in adding content to that game
[9:31:41 AM] TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: of if they consider it a finished perfect product
[9:37:14 AM] TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: ok man well im off to the lab in a few ill catch ya later on man
[9:37:38 AM] m3chladon: cya
TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: my guns of Ick post
m3chladon: meh idk about all that i really dont like grinding needlessly tbh
m3chladon: i know you feel more attached but its just an arena pvp game
TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: ya arena pvp but if ya dont want to grind you play casual .. you want to grind you get 15% more repair .. or whatever
TYRONE_BIGGUMZ: you basicly get what the buff hammer gives you already without the need of a buff hammer once your a master of your skill

Feedback and Suggestions / character progression needed
« on: June 10, 2014, 09:41:25 am »
Great game .. not so much so worried about balance .. but need a bit more Progression to keep people playing more .. when you build up a character it makes you feel if you have invested into it more then just " owww look at the number beside my name" ..  Use the model that " KILLING FLOOR " put down to make people still want to play Years later ofter if was released because the progression was smooth and sexy. .. just a bit of info me and my homies was talking about that would make this the top of our game list  for sure !

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