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Messages - Ceas

Pages: [1]
The Lounge / Re: Happy New Year!
« on: January 01, 2015, 12:28:53 am »
Happy New Year, everyone. May your airships blow up less frequently than those of your enemies.

The Gallery / Re: When the servers go down....
« on: December 24, 2014, 10:29:44 pm »
(although it's far from being a good combat unit).

Awesome, just like its supposed to be!

Indeed. On the off time I play as a pilot I usually use a Spire... in GoIO it's almost, if not quite, as fragile as this one.

I probably would have made it a railer, because heavy flak, artemis, and mercury.  Great job though!  What tier is it?

It's tier eight, due to the balloon being largely filled with T8 helium (higher tier helium provides more lift per CPU, and with lower tier helium it just refused to fly - even with the T8s it's a little heavier than air and needs a pair of concealed thrusters to gain altitude). Using T1 armor in T8 is... not quite optimal. Maybe when I have more CPU available I can switch it to use a larger number of T4 helium blocks to bring it down to a tier where it won't die to ten SMG hits, maybe T5 or so, that way it can properly snipe with the T8 SMG.

I had intended to have it use rails, but alas they were simply too large to mount while still retaining the correct weapon placements. I could have gone for plasma to imitate a heavy mortar/hades build, but ended up keeping it as it is since this is the configuration that I actually use.

And thanks.

The Gallery / Re: When the servers go down....
« on: December 24, 2014, 08:04:05 pm »
So, I put this Spire replica together while the Robocraft servers were down (building still works since it's all client-side). It's as accurate a model as I can make within the constraints of the game (it completely fills the given building space vertically), although there might be some small errors. Weapon placements are approximated; it's supposed to have a heavy flak, two Mercury field guns, and an Artemis launcher (represented by T8, T4, and T2 SMGs respectively). It actually flies too, as opposed to low altitude hovering (although it's far from being a good combat unit).

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