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General Discussion / First impressions
« on: May 30, 2014, 06:56:27 am »
This game is awesome, it looks astonishing the steam-punk setting fits perfectly, coop flying true the sky's its a boys dream comes true. I really like everything this game has to offer, and i just could not wait to get in so exited I was.
It was my first time in this game so I decided to start a bit easy, to play a role somewhat in the background, enjoying to participate even if aim not (yet) that good. Helping out my teammates were I can. And learn the ropes of the game as I go along. So I picked Engineer.
So I joint a crew it went very easy and before I knew I was on board, then the fight started and I failed repairing big time. Hmmm... new game ... no problem... ah... tutorials! Lets do that first, so I did and i learned about repair/cool down different tools etc etc. I got even more exited, man they succeeded in making repairing a tactical and fun part, how cool is that!
So quick into the real thing again, and yes before I new it I was in a match. And this time I know a bit more of how to be a engineer. And in a few seconds I was running around the deck like a mad man. Repairing here, putting out fires there, switching tools, running back and forth, running switching, repairing, fires, cool downs, switching, cooldow..switch... runnin.. run... run.. put... rep.... switch... rep... fire..fre...swt...put...sw..put..fir..rswi..ruswit..repa..tool.. sw.. BOOOM !!    MAP SCREEN.... euh.... ah ok we are dead! Few seconds later we were back in and the same started over, and over, and over.... till .... BLUE TEAM WON !! Ooh ok thats my team, or was I red? No, yes! we won!?
After doing this over and over, with some moments of indeed (for others boring) for me trilling times were there was no fighting and I could see and feel the surroundings and positions of the other ships, so I had a chance to get a glimpse of the tactics that surely involves this game. But witch I regretfully don't get no grip on. There is simply to much to do, and I won't (can't) let my team down. So there you have my dilemma...
I still hope its my beginner experience, or maybe I just have to try the other professions witch in my opinion have an even bigger responsibility and stress factor. Maybe its just me, maybe I am getting to old for this kind of gaming?  I don't know but aim afraid I have to come to the conclusion that this beautiful pearl of a game is not for me, although I am still hanging in there....

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