The Docks / Re: [SPQR] Senatus Populusque Romanus is Recruiting!
« on: June 30, 2014, 08:13:29 am »
Ah, cool! Well, here's the info requested, formatted according to the new application style.
IGN: Spyboticsguy
Location: Georgia (the state, not the nation-state)
Preferred Class: Pilot/Engineer
Reasons for Applying: [summarized in previous application, copy-pasted here for posterity's sake]
IGN: Spyboticsguy
Location: Georgia (the state, not the nation-state)
Preferred Class: Pilot/Engineer
Reasons for Applying: [summarized in previous application, copy-pasted here for posterity's sake]
I've played a few games with SPQR people - all very kind, sporting individuals. I'd like to join your community, if at all possible, in order to play with what seems to me to be a group of really fun individuals. My in-game name is Spyboticsguy, as is my Steam name - I like to keep things simple. I'm comfortable with all classes and I'm not bent any particular way; I often end up switching between pilot and the other two classes from game to game to keep some variety up. I enjoy piloting/captaining, largely because it allows me to take my experience from playing the other classes and put it into play in a more difficult and stressful role.