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Messages - Regent Cid

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: June 09, 2014, 10:37:21 am »
In terms of cosmetics,

I have always liked the idea of being able to change my tools, i,e a golden spanner or a fire extinguisher with a decal on it, ship cosmetics i like the royal theme, but how about the opposite a run down theme were everything is falling apart and held together with tape glue and hope.
i want destructive tools

an axe model instead of the spanner
a crowbar instead of the pipe wrench
the rubber mallet replaced by a spiked mace
the extinguisher would be a small flamethrower
the chem spray an oil can

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: May 29, 2014, 08:53:07 am »

-frying Dutchman
a pirate stirring a kettle

-chef crook
a jolly roger but with a spoon and fork for bones and a chefs hat
(linked gunner costume: kiss the crook which is an apron)

this icon would be just words like an advertisement for a fake brand (ex "Roger balloon parts" or "Debby's engine shop")


-mermaid ( you need this, really)


-mammoth tusks/skull


(haunted theme)
the hull and the balloon would look damaged and worn
at he hull, steering wheel and 2 of the guns would be a skull and bones
spread over the ship are candles with a green/cyan flame
chains would hang on some places
over the floor would hang a thin mist layer
upon being destroyed, the ship does not explode, but becomes pale white, then vanishes while a ghastly scream/moan is heard

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: May 27, 2014, 03:10:00 pm »
there are a few ideas i have

Thank You SON
a figurehead that's a metal bar with at the end a fist with spiked knuckles (so that if you ram someone it looks like you are punching them) (for reference, pic)

a figurehead that's basically a shield with a spike in the middle

bandit theme

over some of the railings, there would be hides of animals (ya now, fur etc)
knives would be stuck in some of the walls
here and there would be bottles lying around
on ships with space (those who have barrels and pots in traveler) could have a small table with cards, money, bottles and a knife on them (and a small piece of sausage)
there are black and red flags attached to the ropes
on random places there can be coins or chests with loot

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