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Messages - VictorSturm

Pages: [1]
yes, more achivements open at one time would solve a lot of frustration. having to concentrate on using burst rounds while other similar ach. are locked off doesn't feel organic. if i have already destroyed with a flametrhower, why don't that count?

i find that the main problem is, that instead of encouraging new tactics and experimentation, the result is annoying grinding. in the beginning i played a lot as pilot with the Pyramidion, without gaining any points for using this ship. thats because, while the current challenge is "Goldfish mastery" i don't earn anything from using other ships! so you have to use the goldfish and win 10 matches. fair enough, but after 5 wins, it's beginning to get tedious. but you can't change ships if you want to level up. the system that tries to make us experiment is making us grind.
the fact that other achievements ruin co-op is even worse. a pilot that runs around fixing guns for the "Helping hand"? that ruins your day.
kill stealing is becoming a thing.
rushing in to set things on fire puts the crew, and the team in risk.

suggestion: implement a xp system for LvL, cosmetics and medals, but keep the achievements as something that yields a lot of xp.
or seperate them completely.

but a Xp system that gives points for every ship the team takes down, end of the round bonuses for engie, and stuff. focus om rewarding teamplay and organic strategy, not grinding with the carronade.


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