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Messages - Vesperion

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Spire Hit Box
« on: February 23, 2014, 03:13:30 am »
I have watched some days ago an Spire in action and must say that it really is strange and difficult to fly such an thing at the same time (i just spectated the match so that i maybe have an wrong side of seeing this).

But i must say even the "slim" design doesn´t helps the Spire much due of the platforms whit the weapons and the mainpart whit the helmet weapons and co. The next what i see problematic is the hight of the Spire. This ship is so high that it is sometimes an bit tricky to steer it above objects which lies so deep under the helmet that you don´t even see them. In the battle i spectated the Spire hited whit the last few inches of his downfin an object and stoped immeadiatly so that i was an even more easy target to hit.

The Ballon itself is the biggest problem for the Spire i think... it just needs few efforts to aim for this "giantic" target + some explosive or scattering ammo to hit ballon and armor at the same time. In the moment the ballon is hit you basicly hit the armor as well so that you "kill two flies whit one stroke" and the Spire goes down in a bunch of seconds.

Like said i just spectated so that my impressions of the Spire could be wrong cause i didn´t had a match where i did fly whit or against an Spire.

The Docks / Re: New player in search of Guild/Clan
« on: February 22, 2014, 09:10:19 am »
I´m a player which is something between serious and casual gaming.

I take every round serious but stay always calm no matter how the battle ends (it is a game in the end so why going to rage just cause of an lost battle). Next to this i try to overlook the situation and can decide somethings on my own as well even when no order is coming (repairing parts if needed or no enemy is in range or sight for the guns, looking out where the enemy is coming from or where he could hide and so on)

In basic i would say that i mainly wanna fullfill my role as Gunner but also can be an allrounder depending on the situation. But i like also the tactical side of gaming which sometimes can bring the win in the last moment cause of an good strike/choice in the right time.

The Docks / New player in search of Guild/Clan
« on: February 21, 2014, 06:53:39 pm »
After around a week of random hireing on different ships and whit new crews and captain i decided to search for an organized Guild/Clan which wanna hire me and my friends the Guns ;)

I play daily and have an basicly active time between 4pm to 8pm GMT+1. Mainly i like it to aim, shoot and destroy what is in range of my guns. I have different possible communication programms (TS, Ventrilo and Skype) so that an much better communication is guaranted by me.

I hope to find over this way an nice group which wanna do the one or another battle whit me so that we can have fun in the game.



PS: I don´t work for achivements - the achivements come over the game to me so why hunting them ;)

Deutschsprachige GoIO Community / Re: Vorstellungsthread
« on: February 19, 2014, 03:11:47 pm »
So nachdem ich das Spiel jetzt schon gute 2 Tage spiele habe ich mir mal gedacht: "such doch einfach mal nach ein paar Leuten mit denen man die eine oder andere Session zusammen zocken könnte."

Persönlich mag ich die Gunner Rolle am meisten habe aber auch schon ne Runde als Gunnerkapi gemacht weil irgendwie nur noch meine Wenigkeit dann auf dem Schiff war und ich somit die AI halt den ganzen Schiffskram erledigen lassen musste und irgendwie doch den einen oder anderen Gegner dann vom Himmel geholt habe.

Jedenfalls bin ich Lernfähig und versuche natürlich auch Taktik und Umsicht zu wahren um das Schiff zum einen am leben zu halten und zum anderen den Gegner zu versenken ;) Ingame trifft man mich meistens ab dem Zeitraum von 16 - 22 Uhr innerhalb der Woche und zum Wochenende bin ich dann meist von 16 - open End anzutreffen (je nach Müdigkeit^^) Persönlich jage ich keinen Achives hinterher, da meine Meinung dazu ist, das es früher oder später  halt durch die Matches so oder so kommt also wozu farmen.

Kommunikationstechnisch bin ich relativ gut gerüstet (Ventrilo, TS und Skype) und auch mit einem Headset ausgestattet so das Befehle schnell weitergeleitet werden können. Sendet mir also einfach ne Nachricht im Game oder meldet euch solltet ihr mich in einem Match antreffen ich persönlich freue mich wenn man Sessions in gruppen spielt, weil das den Spielspaß immer um 10 Punkte hochgehen lässt wenn man einen Kampf gewinnt durch gute Koordination und absprache.

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