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Messages - Jereven

Pages: [1] 2 3
Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: September 30, 2014, 11:01:43 pm »
For both ships and personal use, team-color dye (possibly in a few different shades) would be nice.  Dye something team color and it's red if you're on the red team and blue if you're on the blue team.

The Pit / Re: GoI haikus
« on: April 18, 2014, 12:13:08 am »
Like the autumn wind,
a sandstorm is upon us

The tools of the trade:
Spanner.  Mallet.  Wrench.  Hammer. 
Is that Cake?  Chemspray.

The light of the sun
Rises from the lower decks
Three flamethrowers?  Ouch.

"The hull!"  "I'm on it!"
Wood splinters and scrap metal
Needed one more hit.

(I miss you guys.)

((And then I notice my levels are 5-7-5.  Like a haiku.))

General Discussion / Re: So You Lost The Match
« on: February 26, 2014, 12:45:56 am »
There are games that I lose, or that my ally loses, or that my crew lose.

Then there are games that the enemy wins.

If I feel like I was playing reasonably well, my crew was relatively competent and my ally was at least half decent, then it's the enemy team that won.

If I'm having a really off night and am just playing badly, then I lost.

If my engineer is shooting mortar shots at an enemy ship that has its armor up and neglecting the completely dead balloon despite me going "Balloonballoonballon!" over comms, then my crewmember lost.

If my ally is just incompetent, they lost.  Likewise if they forced me to start up by not unreadying long enough for me to change my loadout (seriously, 30 seconds from deciding to captain to having a ship that flies well versus all of the appropriate loadouts and having my crew properly equipped is not enough time.)

If anyone in the lobby was incessantly asking us to ready up, they lost.  It doesn't matter what team they were on, so far it's been held true 100%. 

If my ally or myself made a poor decision on ship or loadout in response to the enemy team's setup, or ready without a full crew or with the wrong crew composition, the match was lost before we even made it past the lobby.

All of these work in reverse.  5-4 wins are much more satisfying than 5-0 wins, and when I've got an entirely crewed team versus a pilot, an offline pilot, and two gunners... well... the game ends fast but I don't feel particularly victorious.

[Also: If my entire team is having repeated disconnect issues on a tournament match that I'm subbing in, then I blame Muse.]

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: February 26, 2014, 12:35:34 am »
"I've noticed that I pilot my Pyramidion just like I pilot my hoover. I just sweep it back and forth."
-Melon McCranberry

Fixed that for you.

The Docks / Re: CLAN The Flying Dutchmen
« on: February 08, 2014, 08:54:48 pm »

The Flying Mooseman.  It's worse than I had feared.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: The New Gunner Tutorial
« on: February 08, 2014, 01:34:01 pm »
Pilot Tutorial: Similar to what it is right now, but use a special tutorial map similar in concept to the Gunner Tutorial mentioned here, with the Pilot able to "dock" the ship and switch to another one of the ships in the game, letting them learn the differences in each ship so they can get a better handle on the ones that interest them.

Engineer Tutorial: Again, similar in concept, except now you're moving around on a dock with multiple different ships learning the different ship layouts and getting tips for Ship Parkour and things like that, which is a necessary Engineer Skill.

This doesn't even need to be that complicated.  Just alter the Sandbox controls to add a hotkey to change ships (likely handled by self-destruct + respawn as next ship type)

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: February 07, 2014, 05:52:00 pm »
AbbyTheRat: Okie, I'm going to protect Love's Helix.

The Docks / Re: Hey there GoI! Do you like Cake?
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:32:18 am »
So... am I captaining my own ship of Iron Fork? If so, can I get the crew I'm assigned together about 3:30 for some practice?

You aren't assigned a crew.  It's a very freeform relaxed environment.  Typically it's a 3v3 or 4v4 lobby where people may come and go over the course of the event, so your crew might be whoever shows up.  It might even be there's a lot of us there and we'll throwing Cakes your way.

Iron Fork isn't a grand tournament or something.  It's just grand fun and games and then somebody's hull catches on fire.  Then it becomes hilarious.

General Discussion / Re: Must I repeat Myself?
« on: February 04, 2014, 05:44:12 pm »
And I refer to gomba-stomping/ tea-bagging as Body Slam.

No, body slamming is when you goomba stomp horizontally.  Ship, meet my ship.  Other side of ship, meet wall.

It's almost as fun as goomba stomping.  It's only not fun when your worthless helpful gunner/ally kills the ship just before you ram and you crash into the wall yourself.

A few common sayings

"Thehullthehullthehullthehull!" (alternatively: "Oh god, the hull")


"My precious engines!"

"A Squid with no engines is a dead Squid."

"Your job is to make love to the hull."

"RAMMING SPEED!", occasionally followed by "BEEP BEEP"

"Did I really just miss every single Hwacha rocket?"

The Pit / Re: GoI haikus
« on: January 31, 2014, 08:58:20 pm »
Oh god, where did it come from?
Shrapnel and splinters.

Q&A / Re: Completely new... Little help?
« on: January 31, 2014, 08:43:45 pm »
Some other tips:

* Every weapon is unique, and different weapons are best against different parts of the ship.  A mortar doesn't do much against a ship that has hull armor up, but it's pretty impressive against the hull when the armor is down.  Sometimes this means don't take a shot until the time is right.

* Spanner for rebuild, mallet for repair.  The one exception is if a component is only slightly damaged -- 1 or 2 spanner hits to top it off is a shorter cooldown than 1 mallet hit.

* If your hull or balloon are actively taking damage in addition to any fire they might have, it's usually better to repair first rather than extinguish first if the number of fire stacks is small. 

* Chemspray is only as good as your ability to keep it up.  Sometimes it's better to refresh chemspray on a damaged component and then repair it on the next pass.  If your current role doesn't allow you to reliably chemspray, an extinguisher is usually better.

* When you do start piloting, don't be afraid to use your pilot tools.  A decent crew can repair through Kerosene and Phoenix Claw indefinitely if they aren't being stressed with other damage sources, and being able to keep your guns on arc can be the difference between getting a kill and being a kill.

* When you start piloting, remember that there's 3 other people on your ship that can use a Spyglass or a Rangefinder.  Only you can use the other tools.  Don't waste the slot.

* It is never possible to keep everything repaired at the same rate you're taking fire when you're taking the brunt of an assault.  Sometimes knocking out an enemy ship's guns, balloon or engines is what you need to do to reduce incoming damage or allow an escape.  This is especially the case if you are the gunner, not an engineer.

* There's very rarely a reason for two engineers to ever be waiting around the same component.  One notable exception is when you're expecting it to be broken and want to rebuild it as fast as possible.  If your hull is taking heavy fire and it looks like it will drop before the cooldown finishes, by all means wait by it.

* Likewise, there's very rarely a reason two engineers should be running over the entire ship like madmen.  Time spent running from one end of the ship to the other is time you could be spending repairing/rebuilding other components, buffing something, refreshing chemspray on something, or shooting a gun.  Work with your other engineer if your captain doesn't coordinate for you to ensure you each know what parts of the ship you are responsible for, and trust the other engineer to handle their job unless they ask for help or it's obvious.  Don't be afraid to ask for help.

* Learn the various ship layouts.  Learn the various shortcuts and tricks.  On a Pyramidion, you can repair the center engine from the bottom, and you can jump from the top to be next to the hull.  Most other ships have similar tricks.  Remember the above comment about time.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: The Bounty Season
« on: January 31, 2014, 08:01:16 pm »
Oh I've indeed miscalculated. A bounty with one point and winning 1 match means he has 11 points. The bountyhunter that kills him would then get 5.5 points. But I don't know how you want to do it when a bounty has 25 points. Would you give the bountyhunter 12.5 points?

Exactly.  The intent is to make higher-bounty players (presumably due to being more skilled) into a greater reward for hunters.

As far as fractional points go, they're probably irrelevant for the sake of discussion.  If Muse was to pick up this idea, the way fractional points are handled would be such a minor component in the overall balance that it really wouldn't matter which way they went with it.  The implications of any sort of system change though, and how any issues could be resolved -- that's what interests me ;)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: The Bounty Season
« on: January 30, 2014, 11:27:44 am »
I would say not lower then 1 but that's my opinion.

I say 2 points rather than 1 so it's still clear to a bounty hunter that they get at least 1 point for killing you.

The values and such are adjustable, of course.  (One possible issue is that someone with a 50-50 win rate will tend to maintain their 10 pt bounty, and there isn't a lot of space between 2 to 10 to represent people who might have a 40-60 or worse win rate).  On the flipside, it does give a sort of leader board to brag to the world about how good you are (players with the highest bounty tend to win more of their games), though it's not a perfect indicator of skill (If I win 9 games and lose 1, and you lose 1 game and then win 9, your bounty will be 95, mine will be 50.)  I don't think that's so much of a problem though.

The other issue is that you can simply stop playing until bounty season is over once you have a high enough score that you don't think you'll be toppled.  The simplest fix for this would be have the standings based on highest bounty achieved, rather than current bounty -- so there's no penalty for losing a match.

Gameplay / Re: Ammo type damage chart
« on: January 30, 2014, 11:08:51 am »
Your heat sink total is off by a factor of 2.  The correct math is 249.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: The Bounty Season
« on: January 29, 2014, 09:09:43 pm »
The problem with commendations as currency is that you can only get them from a person once, and a lot of people prefer to fly consistently together.  (Actually, the entire commendations system needs work IMHO, but that's another topic).

What if the system worked something like this:

* Everyone who signs up as a bounty gets an initial score of 10 points.
* Every match won by a bounty increases their score by 10 points.
* Every match lost by a bounty halves their current score (no lower than 2 points) and awards the removed points to each member of the opposing team (no lower than 1 point)

This means that higher skilled players will tend to have higher bounties, and taking out a high-value bounty is more worth it to the hunter than the low value.

Points for bounties held vs bounties collected are still separate.

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