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Messages - D.R.R. Steamhand

Pages: [1]
The Lounge / Re: So what is everyone listening to?
« on: October 04, 2013, 10:23:34 pm »
I've had two entirely unrelated songs running circles in my brain for almost two weeks now:

Ecstasy of Gold

and Ella Fitzgerald forgetting the words to Mack The Knife (aka The best live recording of anything ever and you can't convince me otherwise)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Harpoon physics overhaul suggestion
« on: October 04, 2013, 12:41:40 am »
I totally agree with the majority of this post except the harpooning allies thing.

It could easily lead to extreme griefing and there's also risk of people in a match becoming overbearing with their strategy and trying to pull their allies into their idea of a perfect spot when the ship their pulling might see the enemy and have a better idea or they might just wanna go of on their own and have fun with whatever happens

The Lounge / Re: Introductions!
« on: October 03, 2013, 11:04:07 pm »
No need to fear the sting of not having the most daring pilot in the universe among you any longer friends!
For I am here, THE GREAT D.R.R. STEAMHAND Captain of the legendary RED FOX CHIPOTLE

My most praiseworthy accolades include:
- I had a kill:death above even for like 2 hours once
- TWO Seperate Gunners said "Good position" while blowing stuff up

And like any good pilot I have some the most daring signature moves in the skies including, but not limited to:
- Ramming into mountains in full reverse while trying to avoid enemy fire
- Needing to pee mid-firefight
- Leaving the hydrogen on and getting mad at the engineers when the balloon goes down
- And scaring everyone on the ship by playing chicken with Pyramidions

P.S. No, I will not tell you what D.R.R. stands for, and no, it totally isn't a cop-out because I couldn't think of a good first name

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