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Messages - vyew

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Gameplay / Re: Advanced engineering tutorial
« on: April 08, 2016, 07:11:39 pm »
Good news friends, my laptop can record reasonably if I drop a few more settings down. Looks like I've got a decent little project for the holidays :)

Lol I spoke to soon, there is a horrible amount of stuttering in the exported footage whenever I start doing repair cycles even in practice mode. I'll have to get back to my desktop in June. Rip lmao

Gameplay / Re: Advanced engineering tutorial
« on: April 08, 2016, 11:29:44 am »
Good news friends, my laptop can record reasonably if I drop a few more settings down. Looks like I've got a decent little project for the holidays :)

Gameplay / Re: Advanced engineering tutorial
« on: April 07, 2016, 09:34:38 pm »
"Advanced engineering guide"


This video looks awfully familiar...

*looks at channel*


Anyways, I'm always pleasantly surprised when I see people still watching this Windows Movie Maker abomination. Glad it still helps.

And for the record, this was never meant to be an "advanced" engineering guide, it was a tips and parkour guide as the title says. :P

One thing to note is that you should only use spanner to tank armor if it has less than 250 damage on it (unlike the video). Ideally you wanna switch to mallet as soon as it has 250 dmg. Mallet repairs 39% faster than spanner

I've added an annotation for that.

All in all this is a pretty good guide, with some polish it could easily be put in game as an official community guide, I'd advise to, for the sake of the game, separate all ship-related tips and also to record it without game music and then perhaps ask devs for permission to put music in background (because every tip the music is in different place and it's annoying when you're watching).
I don't have access to the raw footage until June. I'll look into it then :) Or I could re-record everything but I'm not sure how well my laptop can handle screen capturing. I will try sometime during exam leave.

I dont know who made this or if they still play.

I learned some stuff from it though.
I don't really play anymore, but I'm glad my video helped you.  :D

General Discussion / Re: Why
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:46:05 pm »
I feel like the point counter is off-center. Maybe it's the numbers?

Seconded the point about ship icons on the indicator being hard to see, especially if the skybox is also the same colour.

General Discussion / Re: Top pilots
« on: May 12, 2015, 12:44:01 pm »
Zincathion's Squid. I have never beaten his Squid. I have something like a 0-30 Win-Loss ratio against it.


General Discussion / Re: Looking for Aus/Asia players (Asia Server)
« on: December 31, 2014, 10:44:06 pm »
I'm from Hong Kong, throw me a friend invite! I'd love to get enough people together to savour some of dat glorious 20ms ping xD

General Discussion / Newbie Loadouts Suggestions
« on: December 30, 2014, 02:14:29 am »
Now that Muse has officially disabled flamethrowers in newbie matches, we can now stop speculating and try (again) and suggest improved loadouts.

No flamethrowers (duh)

No Hades
my reasoning for this is a) Muse seems really adverse to put Hades as a main gun (see Pyra B) and b) Hades use requires some ammo usage and most newbies just use default ammo

No Flares
Flares are just confusing for newbies, they don't visually appear to do any damage when you hit an enemy, they make green disco lights in clouds (remember that newbies tend to randomly shoot weapons when there are no enemies, so they might not link green disco lights with revealing enemies)

No Harpoon
Hard and confusing to use, confusing to play against (why is my ship not turning, I hit them in the balloon but there is no rope?)

A Loadouts are close range, B Loadouts are mid range or alternative close range, C Loadouts are long range
This is to clear up weird inconsistencies like Goldfish B being a lumberfish but Goldfish C being a hwachafish (I think)

Only Pyramidion, Goldfish and Junker

Pyramidion A needs to be as easy and simple to use as possible (automatically used if you don't click on anything in the lobby)

All ships need to be usable with no ammo and no pilot tools, or silly ammo choices (burst in Gatling, inciendary in Mercury)

Don't make a ship that is super dominant on Battle on the Dunes and Northern Fjords (only 2 maps usable in newbie matches)

I've also posted in the steam forums to see if we can get some genuine newbie opinions but in the mean time, let's get started!

(The reason I put this in GD instead of somewhere else is because last time in Dev App forums muse didn't take the feedback ;))

Pyramidion A:
Front Gatling+mortar, left side banshee+Carronade. Currently the Pyra A has Hades+Mercury on the left, which just ends up confusing newbie crews because newbie pilots tend to just use whichever side is closest to the enemy. With this loadout, both the front and left sides are effective in closer range and have obvious feedback (explosions, balloon getting popped) when it's working. It also teaches the difference between Carronades and other guns.

Pyra B:
Honestly I don't know what do here without using Hades. Perhaps front Carronade+Banshee, left Mercury+Artemis for a generic disabling ship with a sniper side (teaches about having different ranges on different guns). Maybe front Mercury+Flak, left Gatling+Mortar for a jury rigged mid range ship.

Pyra C:
Mercury+Artemis front, left Gatling+mortar.

Goldfish A:
Hwachafish, Gatling right, Banshee left. The Gatling should make sense because the first match was most likely played on Pyra A, so Gatling=broken armor and explosive=kill should be figured out.

Goldfish B:
Heavy Carronade front, banshee right and left. This is like the Carro+Banshee but a bigger version, if Pyra B ends up being Carronade+Banshee front this will make sense.

Goldfish C:
Lumberfish, Carronade right, Artemis left. It worked pretty well when I played in a newbie match recently, though granted I was the gunner. This should teach minimum range pretty well (lumberjack rounds explode when armed but make an unsatisfying thump sound if not armed). Newbie pilots also seem pretty good at running away really fast, so the value of staying at range can also be learned from this ship.

Junker A:
Artemis front, Gatling+Mortar sides but PLEASE PUT THE GATLINGS ON THE BOTTOM DECK AND THE MORTAR ON THE TOP DECK PLEASE. I cannot see any reason not to do this. Even if the whole crew is running around the ship without set positions and firing any gun they feel like using, there will always be more people on the upper deck than the lower deck. The chance of a satisfying assist or kill on an enemy ship that has had its armor stripped by a teammate is much better than the chance of shooting some gatling rounds at an enemy who will just repair it.

Junker B:
Left side Carronade+Banshee (Carronade on the lower deck), right side Gatling+mortar, front banshee. Currently Junker B has a double Carronade left side, which is secretly OP in newbie games for whoever managed to figure it out. 1 Carronade makes it less frustrating to play against.

Junker C:
Mercury+Artemis left side (Mercury on lower deck), right Gatling+mortar, front Artemis. Nothing special here.

Since the meta changes with time, there is no point complaining about it now. Just be patient for an interesting shake-up to happen (and there will be one.)

Q&A / Re: When turning the ship, which one is faster?
« on: August 24, 2014, 08:44:49 am »
Well there was a diagram that explained it pretty well (which I've lost), but basically:

If the enemy ship is going to go PAST you, then going into 1 or 2 reverse is going to put you on target faster because you are simultaneously increasing perpendicular distance while turning.

(something like that anyway xD)

EDIT: I FOUND IT,2328.msg39677.html#msg39677

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Bug Or Feature?
« on: August 24, 2014, 08:36:47 am »
Of course not. That would be silly. The ammo I was talking about would fire actual squeegees. The big guns would fire entire window cleaning crews.

What would Flamers Fire then?



Gameplay / Re: Final Defining Spire Buff
« on: August 20, 2014, 05:28:43 am »
+1 for more acceleration and turning, so it gets the defining aspect of sideways dodging.

General Discussion / Re: Free-2-Play someday?
« on: August 13, 2014, 02:18:36 am »
It's a lot of work to go F2P and Muse has enough on their plates. There simply aren't enough things to buy in the Shop that would allow Muse to subsist entirely on F2P revenue.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: viewing ship themes
« on: August 13, 2014, 02:16:18 am »
How about a button that you click to load the ship with that theme in Practice/Sandbox?

Guides / Re: Engineering Tricks and Hardcore Parkour (Video)
« on: August 05, 2014, 11:15:55 am »
Just updating the link to the 3rd version

I would love a tesla gun too, but I think I heard somewhere that, lore-wise, that kind of technology doesn't exist in the game's timeline.

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