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Messages - Eightysev

Pages: [1]
Feedback and Suggestions / JIP crew approval
« on: January 17, 2014, 01:31:09 pm »
Dear Devs,

Could you make it so that when a match has started and someone wants to JIP the captain has to approve of it first.
It is always beter to have a human player, but there is no point to it when the person is a second gunner or even worse, a second pilot.

A simple message system where the captain gets a message that someone wants to join the crew and their class would be enough.
So he can simply push a button or click something to approve the player or to reject him.
Because there is nothing so painfull as when you are winning and then someone joins and makes your crew ineffective.

The Docks / Re: CLAN The Flying Dutchmen
« on: August 13, 2013, 05:52:54 pm »
Steam name: Eightysev
In-Game name: Eightysev
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Country: Belgium
Timezone: GMT+1 (GMT+2 atm because someone thinks summertime was a great idea)
Extra Information:
I play best as an engineer, I'm an ok pilot as long as the ship is a junker.
Gunner is something I don't really play but I will if really needed but I just can't stand shooting at something while the hull armour is going down.
Mainly playing as an engineer I do know what has the highest priority.
As long as we don't get hit by Galleon broadsides or ram without reason I'll keep the ship alive.

Thank you for reading,

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