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Messages - Syconawt

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Community Events / Power to the Pubs: Crews Needed!
« on: April 29, 2018, 07:37:04 pm »
Hey folks,

Apologies for the short notice but we are in need of assistance. Myself and some comrades from the Bully Boys (a clan from the old days who organised the Aerodrome series of events) are running an on-stream event on May 1st from 18h00 to 20h00 UTC as part of Muse's festivities for the PS4 launch. The idea of the event is to put experienced players against pubs where the pubs can win prizes for getting a kill on the experienced team. It's intended as a fun casual event to encourage new players on both platforms to join in.

We are in need of 2 ships of experienced players from the GOIO community for these two hours. If you are available and are interested (or would like to know more), please shoot me a DM here or in the GOIO discord. Thanks!

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome 3 Announcement
« on: September 14, 2015, 09:12:41 am »
Hi, can you upload the VODs somewhere?

Greetings Lueosi

They'll go up eventually, I'm dealing with personal issues offline that are keeping me from uploading them. The first chance I get, they'll go online. Apologies for the delay but I need to sort out my RL issues first.

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome: TMW Final 8/22 Details and Voting
« on: August 22, 2015, 11:34:04 pm »
Couple of thank you's that we need to make, which I'm just gonna copy and paste from our Twitter feed as I'm in desperate need of sleep right now. :P

-First off, thank you to all the teams who have competed in this season's events, you all helped to put on some amazing matches.
-Thank you to Captain Tomato King, Jazz Jr and SDPlissken (hopefully I spelt your name right!) for refereeing each match and ensuring the matches went smoothly.
-Thanks once again to Brick Hardcastle for being the voice of the Aerodrome and to Gorgon, Kajros and Urz for co-casting the event.
-A BIG thank you to B'elanna and Inkjet from Cake for their help with running the tournament, particularly sourcing crew at the last minute and supplying a Mumble server for staff to use.
-Thanks to Keyvias, Ayetach and the rest of the Dev Team promoting the event and supplying prizes.
-As always, a big thank you to Gilder for being the mastermind behind this entire event and overseeing the chaos that ensued.
-And finally, a big thank you to everyone who took part, tuned in to the streams, and even those who just own GOIO. It's because of people like you that the community is able to put on events such as Aerodrome and the SCS, so for that, we say thanks.

Until next time... #EpicGoombaBag2015

Hydra for contract 2 merc for everything else

You're a bit late, Byron, this happened last week, sorry!

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome 3 Announcement
« on: August 10, 2015, 12:13:37 pm »
Was wondering if there is somewhere we can go for the raw match results for the aerodrome. I know about the google doc which as the win/loss stats for each team, but I'm looking for the match outcomes along with who played and merced in what match, that kind of thing. I was going to pull it from the streams, but the earlier ones don't seem to be on the BB twitch channel and if they've been uploaded I don't know where.
Do you upload the matches to youtube? It would be great to save the footage.

Tonight hopefully, but at the latest tomorrow. Technical problems on my end kept them from going up. Bloody Irish potato internet!

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome 3 Announcement
« on: August 09, 2015, 10:44:40 am »
I know I keep gushing on about the artwork, but, seriously guys, the art contributions you're all doing are amazing. I'll need to work out some decent way of paying tribute to your works.

Side note: Aero 3's full theme is almost done, it'll go live sometime this week.

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome 3 Announcement
« on: August 08, 2015, 06:01:31 pm »
Congratulations to the following 6 teams who have qualified for the finals!

  • Moonshine Lollipops and Phobos LLC
  • Crimson Sky Morepork
  • Compensate Ryders
  • Fancy Rydr
  • Geographical Llamas Reservoir
  • The Bard's Trade Union

Gilder will be in touch with further instructions. Thank you to everyone else who took part and we hope to see you again in the skies soon!

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome: TMW Week 4 Rival Contracts (Red Spawn)
« on: August 07, 2015, 04:56:50 pm »
Contract 2 is now closed.

Contract 1 is now closed. Can a mod strikethrough it please?

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome: TMW Week 3 Match Schedule
« on: August 03, 2015, 03:35:31 pm »
If GOIO modding ever becomes a thing, I will pay actual monies for a mod that lets you put in parameters for tournament scoring and gets the game to calculate the scores itself :P

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome 3 Announcement
« on: August 02, 2015, 10:01:04 pm »
Gah, stahp. You're putting me and my Aerodrome creations to shame! :P

Seriously though, great job.

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome: TMW Week 3 Match Schedule
« on: August 01, 2015, 01:34:49 pm »
GSR signing up to Merc match 2, 3, and 5 (as rivals)

Match 3 is already full on the Rival side, I'll add ye to the Traders side though.

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome: TMW Week 3 Match Schedule
« on: August 01, 2015, 11:35:05 am »

It's not letting me modify my post, but there has been a slight mutiny and apparently we can merc 2 as trader and 3 and 4 as rivals, sorry for the confusion.

Changes noted, thanks for letting us know. For future reference it's probably for the best that any changes needed are communicated in a new forum post anyway, just so we don't miss it.

Current match openings are as follows:
Match 1: 1 open Rival spot.
Match 2: 1 open Rival spot.
Match 3: 1 open Trader spot.
Match 4: Full.
Match 5: 1 open Rival spot, 2 open Trader spots.

Contract 4 is now closed. Can a moderator strikethrough it when they get a chance? Thanks.

(are we allowed to sign for a different red contract as well tomorrow?)

Nope, sorry, one scoring contract per ship. You can sign up for other contracts on Saturday morning as mercs but you won't get any points for them.

And of course the sign up is for Geographical Llamas Reservoir,  I messed up the team name completely by reading Daniels post while posting this to get the right format.

Dementio so fancy, you already know!

Not a problem, we will put this into our records as the GLR signup.

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