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Messages - Seka

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Gunner Tool: Wrench Vs Spanner
« on: August 15, 2015, 05:24:35 pm »
I personally prefer both, it's just a matter of my loadout, I generally prefer Spanner, Mallet and Fire extinguisher, then Pipe Wrench, Dynabuff, Chem spray, however it does depend on the ship whether I alter this loudout.

Mallet: Bad Rebuilding components but Great at Repairing.
Wrench: Balanced Rebuilding and Repairing
Spanner: Great at Rebuilding but not Repairing.


Greetings fellow merchants, traders, and captains looking to earn a few dollars more. Welcome to week one of The Mercantile War!

As a reminder to all participants of the Aerodrome, there will be 2 signups this week. This first signup is for the Trader Contracts. Meaning you are electing to be on Blue team and start with the Cargo first. The Rival Contracts will be posted on Wednesday for Red Spawn. So brave ones, add your names in. Rivals, plot with villainous grins and creepy laughs as you wait for your contracts to open.

There will be weekly prizes so be sure to keep track of your teammate names in case you win. However for this signup, all I need is your company name and CEO. Example from the early registration thread:

Company: Zukasauce Inc
Mission Statement: "To spread Zuka's love through all the world via his sauce."
Base of Operations: Starostrog, Guild
Logo (Optional): <Artistic Zuka Sultry Grin image>
CEO: Zuka
Steam ID, In game Name: Zuka2016, Zukamania

Now because this is the official signup week. I need you to add one more bit of vital information...your match choice.

So reply with:

Contract Requested: <Insert map name here>

Then also if you could state if you are willing to mercenary for other matches, that would help a lot too. Basically means your official match counts but the others will be bonus battles to help fill matches. So "Willing to Merc: Yes/No"

Alright, thats it. Again, there is no long term commitment with this event. Take contracts as often or as seldom as you like. Twitch streaming info will be posted later along with a public mumble server for event use.

Lastly, the trailer vid will be released soon. Originally we were going to cut it up into smaller segments but due to time constraints, the full version might be all that gets done. Apologies for the lateness of it.

Remember, all point payouts are split between ships on your team.

Week One Trade Contracts:

Contract 1: Barons Need Shinies!
Map: Northern Fjords
Cargo: Luxury Goods
Payout: 300

Overburdened with war relief and bleeding their treasury to finance our convoys, the Fjordlanders are teetering on the brink of collapse. With such doom and gloom over their heads the local barons have done what only a Fjordlander would, place orders for luxury goods to spruce up their mansions.

The contract will be handled by Fjordlander representatives in Ravenrook. Time frame is listed as: "Urgent"

Those Barons must really need new gold backscratchers...

Contract 2: Plight of the Independent States
Map: Dunes
Cargo: Medical Supplies
Payout: 300

While the war was between the Pact and Coalition, local independent cities and towns were also drawn up into the conflict. Medical supplies are currently in high demand as these local cities will not be receiving any aid from the governments who took shelter in them.

Nalm and Slyka are representing the independent states and are your destinations. Just get the cargo to them, they'll take it from there.

Contract 3: Black Channel Needs Wood
Map: Water Hazard
Cargo: Building Supplies
Payout: 300

Battles over the channel have laid waste to numerous homes and businesses who inhabit The Teeth. They have placed contracts for building supplies. While this trade route is vital for relations between the Baronies and Chaladon, Chaladonian government has taken no interest in restoring ties, thus leaving local residents struggling to rebuild.

Representatives of the residents will handle your delivery in Amida.

Contract 4: Expansionist Peace
Map: Canyon Ambush
Cargo: Metal Ore
Payout: 300

With much of their fleet either destroyed or damaged, Yesha is in great need of iron and metal to rebuild their fleet. While this contract comes at a time when the new Consulate is focusing inward, there is no denying the need for defense fleets in such a turbulent time as this.

Proceed through the Canyons and you'll find your contact in Chang-Ning at the main military shipyard.

Contract 5: Starvation in Anglea
Map: Fight Over Firnfeld
Cargo: Food Stuffs
Payout: 300

It appears Anglea partied a bit too hard on conclusion of the war...again. There is currently widespread shortages of food in multiple cities and their trade contracts with Yesha are limited with Yesha itself on rationing.

This contract will be handled by local authorities in Kinforth. While they have permitted us to land and deliver the goods, they have not permitted any sightseeing. So sorry but you are requested to depart from Kinforth immediately after you make your stop. Any attempt to violate this rule and swipe some ancient treasure they've dug up will result in gruesome death and/or dismemberment.

It's not Zuka, It's Katzuka(It's a reference)

The Gallery / Re: The noobs play Guns of Icarus -YouTube
« on: December 20, 2014, 11:13:34 am »
I know this might sound rather rude but you actually sound like ZexyZek...

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