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Messages - MerkQT

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Gameplay / Re: Moonshine vs Kerosene
« on: August 09, 2013, 08:09:53 pm »
Thanks guys,

We tried out moonshine and were pleasantly surprised by it's effectiveness in dishing out damage. Everything that was mentioned beforehand in this thread turned out to be very accurate, our pilot accidentally missed a few rams from being unable to turn as hard as normal and we lost a few engines due to the extra stress. However we managed to absolutely destroy a spire four times in a short span and win us the match in one of our test matches.

Our engineer noted how hard it is to actually keep engines going while moonshine is active, but I think he came to the conclusion that he's happy with the results but our pilot is still iffy on the whole thing. It's up to him ultimately in what he uses, but I could tell he had a blast utterly destroying a ship after a full speed ram.

Regarding the mercury guns, we both ended up taking charged shots and I don't think we will ever go back. Being able to snipe out the engines before collision made our final games walks in the park.

And Mill, if we meet in game, I hope it's on the same team! We could work out some awesome combos and win 5-0 :D

Gameplay / Re: Moonshine vs Kerosene
« on: August 09, 2013, 02:37:13 am »
Same as us at the moment :D

I'll give the lochnagar ammo a shot, as the only gunner should I pick it up and have the Gungineer use charged shots?

EDIT: I feel like I may be asking to be spoonfed a bit with this questions, I think it may be better for us to just trial and error and learn from that.

Gameplay / Re: Moonshine vs Kerosene
« on: August 09, 2013, 01:55:55 am »
Gotcha, Thanks Smollett.

Gameplay / Re: Moonshine vs Kerosene
« on: August 09, 2013, 01:37:35 am »
Just out of curiosity Calico, What buffs do you use as a pilot?

Gameplay / Re: Moonshine vs Kerosene
« on: August 09, 2013, 01:36:27 am »
Thanks Sunderland, I assume this also means that getting rammed with moonshine active also causes little movement? (Just want to confirm)

At the moment Calico we are using the Mercury guns to attempt to break hull amour before our ram. Both myself and the Gungineer will have two buffed guns and we will unload the first clip. We then report to our pilot as we are reloading and he activates Kerosene to ram (All engines are usually buffed at this time). After this we usually only have precious few moments to unload another clip before impact. at the moment it's not destroying a target upon contact, but the sustained fire (if possible) will drop the enemy after a few more hits.

It probably will be a good idea for us to go and practice on dummies as you suggested, because I feel at the moment with the increase Moonshine will give us that we can't unload another round. We will need to work on our timings.

Another quick question; Does angle of altitude play any part in damage, or is it only forward speed?

Gameplay / Re: Moonshine vs Kerosene
« on: August 09, 2013, 01:07:43 am »
Thanks Calico and Sunderland.

It sounds like Moonshine would be the way to go then, Our pilot likes to use claw to compensate for the poor turning speed of the Pyra. If at all possible to answer, what sort of damage increase could we expect to see from the 50% increased speed? Is there somewhere to read up on the damage calculations of ramming?

Gameplay / Re: Moonshine vs Kerosene
« on: August 09, 2013, 12:50:32 am »
Excellent, I very much appreciate the response and the link. By the looks of it, Kerosene and Moonshine seem to be a good choice to pick together rather than being exclusive to each other. I like that  8)

Gameplay / Moonshine vs Kerosene
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:45:51 pm »
Hi all,

This is my first post since I've started playing this awesome game.

My friends and I have recently just started playing and have seemingly found our groove and playstyle. We love building the Pyra for ramming as I believe we are all in love with the concept of extremely aggressive in-your-face gameplay. However, I've got a few questions and was hoping someone could help me out with them.

At the moment our play-style is as follows; We have two mercury cannons situated on the upper deck and two gatling guns on our broadside. Our pilot flies with hydrogen, claw and kerosene and will maneuver us in a way that we are distanced enough to unload two clips of Mercury fire before impact. We have one engineer dedicated almost full time to the engines and hull and one that is almost always at our balloon repairs and sniping. I am dedicated with the task of gunner, and I will also run around buffing in our downtime. At the moment we are loving our build and have currently won 3 games consecutively without taking any direct hull damage.

We are wondering, however, how much better moonshine may be for us to take rather than kerosene. The idea of moving 50% faster than kerosene is appealing, but the extra damage to engines and maneuverability seems pretty hefty. We have found that ships that take out our balloon or engines immediately gain an upper hand, so losing engines or having extreme engine stress while under fire could potentially mean we lose.

Sorry if that was long winded, the game has that effect on me. It's really one of the best team orientated games I've played and it gets me pumped up! Any feedback or suggestions is greatly welcomed.


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