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Messages - Raskolnikov

Pages: [1]
Gameplay / Re: Realism has had it's fun...
« on: March 03, 2014, 06:44:24 pm »
I don't have much comp GoI experience outside of watching streams, but I have played competitively in other games. I think the limiting factor is that there's only one "weight class" as far as ships go. Each ship having four people and each ship having to be balanced against each other makes it difficult to branch out across the spectrum of speed versus heavy. It's like putting heavy weight boxers against a bunch of welter weights and telling them to only use one hand.

I think it would definitely help to implement two-man ships and a game mode that would limit ship choices. This would be much more accessible as it's far easier to find one friend than it is three. It would also provide a more involved experience for both people instead of staring at a mallet, which is a hard selling point for newcomers. You could keep the games base mechanics, but with less focus on a sort of "attrition warfare" based gameplay.

That's obviously a lot of work, but what should immediately be added is ranked matchmaking with a deterrent on leaving. This would create a stronger incentive to win and involve yourself in the competitive scene and discussions more. If not a per person rank system, than at least a clan based one.

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