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Messages - Elendu

Pages: [1]
Crimson Sky Mistletoebird
                                     (A subsidiary of CsM)

Mission Statement:  "Proving once and for all you can fix broken balloons with hammers."
Base of Operations:  Above doorways and wherever there is mistletoe.  Delicious, delicious mistletoe...
CEO:  Elendu
Steam ID:  Elendu
In game Name:  Elendu

Contract Requested:  Contract 2: Qinqaachi Gangland (Fight Over Firnfeld)
Willing to Merc:  yes

Crimson Sky Mistletoebird
                                     (A subsidiary of CsM)

Mission Statement:  "Proving once and for all you can fix broken balloons with hammers."
Base of Operations:  Above doorways and wherever there is mistletoe.  Delicious, delicious mistletoe...
CEO:  Elendu
Steam ID:  Elendu
In game Name:  Elendu

Contract Requested:  Contract 5: From Suna With Salt (Canyon Ambush)
Willing to Merc:  yes

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome 3 Announcement
« on: July 19, 2015, 02:27:50 pm »
Thanks Steve, for bringing up some good points.  I was certainly confused, as the scoring didn't match up with the rules document.  So what is the "%" column?  I am guessing "Cargo Cap" is Cargo Capture, but is "Cargo Del." initial Delegation of cargo?  (Does not seem to be the case, if looking at the numbers).

I think there should be two sheets, one for actual "Score" and the other for "stat keeping".  Anyways, glad to see CsM has another ScoreKeeper   ;D

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome: TMW Week 1 Match Schedule
« on: July 18, 2015, 04:08:02 pm »
Crimson Sky Mistletoebird is available for possible Merc in matches 4+5.

PM ingame name:  Elendu  or steamID Elendu

The Gallery / Re: GOIO memes
« on: July 17, 2015, 05:55:57 am »

I don't wike it...

Crimson Sky Mistletoebird
                                     (A subsidiary of CsM)

Mission Statement:  "Proving once and for all you can fix broken balloons with hammers."
Base of Operations:  Above doorways and wherever there is mistletoe.  Delicious, delicious mistletoe...
CEO:  Elendu
Steam ID:  Elendu
In game Names:  Elendu, Chief O'Brien, Cadett, Vladibear

Contract Requested:  Contract 3: Black Channel Needs Wood (Water Hazard)
Willing to Merc:  yes

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome: TMW - Early Registration
« on: July 06, 2015, 04:59:01 am »
Crimson Sky Mistletoebird
(A subsidiary of CsM)

Mission Statement:  "Proving once and for all you can fix broken balloons with hammers."
Base of Operations:  Above doorways and wherever there is mistletoe.  Delicious, delicious mistletoe...
CEO:  Elendu
In game Names:  Elendu, Chief O'Brien, Cadett, Vladibear

Community Events / Re: Aerodrome 3 Announcement
« on: June 11, 2015, 12:17:06 am »
A bit of clarification is needed:  is the time 1pm PST or do you mean PDT?  If you are in the United States, we are currently in Daylight Time, not Standard Time.

NOTE:  8pm UTC is NOT 1pm PST!

Pacific Standard Time is 8 hours behind of Universal Time Coordinated and 1 hours behind of PDT (Pacific Daylight Time)

Please revise to show the correct time, I hope this prevents a lot of confusion.

Reference (showing my hometown, Portland OR as PDT vs PST vs UTC):

Community Events / Re: The Teaching Tournament!
« on: May 15, 2015, 04:01:45 am »
Is it too late to sign up?  All my brothers and I would like to participate, and promote good player habits. 

Elendu  (myself)
Sir Tophem Hatt
Chief O'Brien

We usually play two or four at a time anyways, I like teaching new captains how to pilot their airships.  There is a lot to flying that you don't think about at first!

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Use spectator ship health system for in game
« on: September 06, 2013, 04:43:41 am »
I have to agree with Zill;  I like the minimalist look, and adding much more would potentially mean more of one person telling others what to do, instead of relying on the crew to act as a team and call out what is currently down.  Four players on a ship means four pairs of eyes, so a good team would rely on everyone keeping an eye out for the various parts of the ship instead of one person micromanaging it all.

Gameplay / Re: GUNS & GUNNER SKILLS Balance Discussion v1.3.1
« on: August 15, 2013, 08:11:43 am »
Someone proposed giving gunners the ability to preload ammunition types for other crewmen.  I'm not sure how much that would change things but it definitely seems like something a gunner "could" do and would go into the teamplay aspect of the game.
I like the way you think-- with teamwork!  After all, isn't that what this game is about?

loading a gun with an ammo type then getting off and letting it reload, then comming back and having that ammo in the gun ready to use was something i really liked before it got taken away.
I started playing more recently so I wouldn't know, but it does sound useful, especially for guns that take a long time to reload (Hwacha, why you gotta be so slow, bro?)

Gameplay / Re: GUNS & GUNNER SKILLS Balance Discussion v1.3.1
« on: August 14, 2013, 07:04:07 pm »
What about the gunner role itself, and the balance between roles?  For someone who wants to play as a gunner, sometimes you have to "prove" to the crew you know what you are doing or that you are accurate enough a shot.  Lots of captains would rather have all engineers than even one gunner that isn't very accurate because it "isn't worth it".

It seems that the general consensus for anyone playing this game longer than a week is to have no more than one gunner max on a ship.  My thought is there are 3 roles in the game and 4 positions on a ship to man, so at least one role will be chosen by twice.  But does it always have to be the engineer?

There is a good reason behind this; gunners only have more ammo types (and you can only load one ammo type at a time anyways), but if you pick engineer there is more equipment you can put to use for ship survival, fire management or buffing guns for damage.

I mostly play captain/pilot, and most of the time I do want two engineers for their tools.  But other ship builds leave me wanting two gunners, and I have to constantly argue with others why two gunners could work.  In particular, I enjoy piloting a long range galleon with flak on the port side and carronade on starboard.  If I can get two skilled gunners below with explosive for the short-range side and lesmok for the flak, switching out either for incendiary now and then, we can take out the enemy before stopping for repairs (also the pilot can help mid-battle with balloon and hull).  Having extra ammo types for my gunners to choose depending on the situation can be exciting, but is it enough to justify loosing ship-maintenance tools?

My point is there should be room for more mix-and-matching of crew roles.  There will only ever be a need for one pilot, but pilots affect the entire ship, after all.  So sacrificing tools for pilot skills can be justified.  It just seems to me that engineers are a bit too commonplace (I've seen plenty of all 4 engineers!).  There could be more reason to choose gunner than settle for 2-3 engineers because its "a safe bet".


Now how could this be achieved?  A couple of thoughts come to mind.  My first idea would be to redistribute gunner skills among the roles.  Maybe pilots and engineers cannot use other ammo types?  Or maybe gunners can choose up to four?  This would certainly change things up, although I am not too sure how I feel about such a big leap (I am usually one in favor of small, incremental changes over time).  One thing is for sure this would make players rethink the role of gunners on a ship.

Perhaps a more subtle way would be for gunners to naturally have better accuracy.  Heavy rounds could be an ammo choice for others, but gunners have it by default (maybe as their "normal" ammo type, maybe it stacks with other skills?). Maybe even Add accuracy without the smaller clip penalty.  Or if that is too much, just add 50% more accuracy to shots.

It doesn't need to be a large change, just enough to make gunners feel more special.  And that's what it comes down to, currently gunners feel like engineers without the tools.  Just my opinion.

Any thoughts/ideas?  I would love to hear what other have to say about this!

Community Guide / Re: Welcome to the Community Manual!
« on: August 12, 2013, 09:52:41 am »
A Wiki guide is currently in progress:

This has been kept up-to-date and has grown considerably with the recent surge of new players.

Gameplay / Re: The Mobula
« on: August 08, 2013, 12:25:50 pm »
Ladders at the back engines were the first thing that came to my mind.  You can jump down the backside, but then why cant you get back up without running through a hallway?  I like the way this changes conventional ship manning.  Team coordination and communication are key to success in any boat in the sky, but with the Mobula its requisite for SURVIVAL.

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