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Messages - Hai Fisch

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Feedback and Suggestions / Retrieve Mode is backwards
« on: December 08, 2016, 11:14:27 pm »
Give the ball to 'squid'. Have it fly away from start and "refuel" (evasive 'patroling') near the next depot for a set amount of time; The depot could be armed, hostile, and a spawn point for AI. Offer buffs for their destruction?  And force player to carry ball all the way back to start instead of depot thing?  I think that would be fun and less blitz-able....

Community Events / Re: Big Brass Revival Sign up
« on: November 28, 2016, 11:40:00 am »
I managed to get off for this, I'm up for helping where I can (I don't really care about the money). Msg me here or just find me in game (<-prob easier). Willing to pilot or crew.
Claimed by WATERitsME

Community Events / Re: Big Brass Revival Sign up
« on: November 25, 2016, 09:41:30 pm »
I managed to get off for this, I'm up for helping where I can (I don't really care about the money). Msg me here or just find me in game (<-prob easier). Willing to pilot or crew.

Feedback and Suggestions / New Customization?!? And stuff.
« on: November 13, 2016, 12:27:09 am »
In light of alliance and all the new stuff (And Our/their Magnates look the same)... What about adding paint regions to all the ships and more paint colors? Promote the market and give us a use for all that extra paint (Not 'dye') also it would be something for everyone.

On that note Alliance overshadowed it but I saw the whole 'new KOTH' map thing and am really pumped to check that out. (some skimishers have been miffed by the community schism.)

And to some of the more veteran players, yes fighting AI can be monotonous and boring but this mode offers an opportunity to grow the community and fighting AI  can be more 'fun' when you're just starting to learn what it takes to be an effective pilot/crew team and in the long run it could lead to more and stronger players testing out/ playing PvP.
    Let's face it. Being a new pilot sucks. Sometimes people outright demand you relinquish the wheel, often the lobby is out of balance in some way (can't help that more experienced players are more willing to take the wheel in order to start a game. Piloting is hard.) Your crew either isn't helpful enough or is too helpful (I know...) and there's a lot to learn about the game and the pilot needs to know it the most so it's all just really chaotic and your fault when you just start out... it sucks. Try to enjoy the new things find a way to make it interesting... I don't know take balloon/disable and try to train the ally ship to kill or something... Flare-centric loadouts? Ram Squid?!? We can easily be our factions leaders we know how. (I call it "The Bullet Train to Boomtown.") Flaunt it! Play the big map, incite a mob, Tell those Mercantile, "You don't have the lobes!" and prove it! Yay, new stuff!

                                                                                                                                                   ~Hai Fisch, Mayor of Boomtown.

Feedback and Suggestions / SkyBall and New maps and things...
« on: September 19, 2016, 01:25:49 pm »
So Skyball. I feel like it could be a LOT LOT more... it doesn't utilize the ships well enough... everything revolves around speed and supplementary pilot mechanic...

What I suggest is this. Pilots with intact armor (as in not broke red) can only use G to poon unclaimed (yellow) Ball-oon thingy. On Armor breach a ship drops balloon (to compensate for individual speed/manuverability this should already be balanced, darty toughish pyra, fumbly squid, hoss Gal... so on) Harpoon [Ship weapon] direct hit on Ball-oon (Yellow or otherwise) steals Ball-oon. And Possibly add in a that the goal has to be clear or at least follow KotH-esque capture point rules to score, if it doesn't already.

There's no way to goalie effectively as it is, individual ship strengths are meaningless (most agile/fleet ship gets the thing. squid squid squid squid....), and why bother with guns? I say make it more about airships playing a sport rather than clumsy airships try to play football/soccer/sportsball.

Also as sort of an on the side if you have the time and it's not a lot of trouble maybe??? convert some of the other maps for 2v2 KotH (trim them down maybe)?? I play in the middle of the night (US Central time) see usually a little under 30 people on, if it's not too much trouble some extra 2v2 KotH options on maps that already exist would add some varity. Canyon Ambush would be the one I think of most... and a tighter scrapyard... also what about having 3 control points that are all active (force choices like solo or dominate with numbers or back-cap and cripple or...) sorry I like objective game types...

Really nice to see new things. I do really love this game.

What about adding alliance-esque outlines to ally ships in regular game? Help them stick out as ally/ "what's our color?". I think the normal boxes are good for enemy so as not to devalue things like soft cover making it harder for crew to aim/judge depth... anywho, o7

Feedback and Suggestions / Retrieve Mode is too easy to blitz...
« on: September 04, 2016, 05:11:22 am »
If you can ninja the balloon thing and get it to the point you win... typically thing thing you take it from was going to the point your taking it to.... what if the balloon spawned attached to a boss and it was more like a race, where you would have to run down the boss, destroy it, and haul thingy back to your start point before the enemy can carry it to their base? Force you to work for it more... have the refinery things on the map be enemy outpost that shoot at you as you travel both ways. The Mode just seems to lacking to me currently.. Despite how my fellow Chaladonians may feel about this.

Feedback and Suggestions / Alliance Upgrades
« on: September 03, 2016, 04:42:00 am »
I like the upgrade concept for alliance but the current version was inflexible. (Sorry if others have said the same things, I don't know how to read...)

With the way ship load outs change from pilot to pilot you can't always use the same stuff. So, what if, instead of giving each 'class' the upgrade points you give them to each 'loadout' 

So say I'm kitting out my engi, I would have the option to boost everything like 1 or 2 levels or max out 1 or 2 things, I could focus on better ammo in some situations and better tools in others.

The point being you still have limited options (can't max everything) but are flexible in how you use it from game to game, rather then spending the points permanantly and occasionally not being able to use their full benefit.

P.S. Not a big deal but there was a minor visual error when I fully upgraded my mallet, for some reason it didn't render diamond-encrusted with flames painted on it... It's still in testing so I get it, I just figured I'd mention it... oh and I can't find the Pink balloon paint in the store... prob just my crappy PC...

Feedback and Suggestions / VIP is neat but what if...
« on: May 25, 2016, 07:04:11 am »
So the respawns seem buggy, insta-fast. But what if there was a little more depth to the mode, If the non VIP had an extra long respawn timer. And/OR some kind of secondary objective that could swap the VIP on your team?  Example: A neutral balloon that spawns center (Or somewhere random) that can be spotted and if dragged to some team based goal space (capture the thingy) it swaps which ship is VIP. Give  a reasonable respawn timer, You could play the modes map more, hide the thingy for when VIP gets hull low and swap... Something to get it a little more distanced from Deathmatch.

Feedback and Suggestions / Fisch's Thoughts/Suggestions.
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:36:32 am »
I loved this game from the first time I hit something with The Hammer Thingy.

Figured I'd stop by here and voice my opinion in light of Alliance coming. Sorry if any of this is already put there, I can't read...

Social UI
To my knowledge there is no "true mute". Block is mute but block is also block. And the word block implys that you're saying you want to be kept away from the player,  which is  excessive when your issue is they're hot mic'ing and eating Doritos... I then have to remember to clear my block list or risk screwing up the matchmaker/someone getting a " you've been blocked" message they don't deserve. Block has it's purpose but I think we need a mute that only turns off mic.

Being able to talk to clan chat from any chat with O would be neat..

Every now and then someone says something about making gunners useful, don't think it's possible ( They're so lazy...) But if it were I would suggest that rather alter the actual classes (giving them extra tools or whatever) instead do something crazy like invent a tool that is picked up from ship. What I think of is essentially a water bucket, pick it up from it's spot on ship, and can use once before having to return to its spot to get another, if you do anything, change tool, shoot gun, you have to get a new bucket, have it be hands down worse than exting (every ship would have one) only removes 10 fire stacks with like a 5 sec cooldown and little to no chem buff, if there's always a fire response it opens the door for riskier more creative crewing. Like more buff hammers or two gunners or what have you.

Pilots test, new pilots can be trouble outside of novice matches what if you had to take like a 10 question quiz for a pilots license. " which pair of guns have similar ranges?" "What is piercing damage good for?" " what's the drawback of blank helm tool?" Multiple choice and open book and all. It could better steer them to an understanding of what it takes to pilot.

Range Finder: The guide on it either doesn't work or doesn't make sense but the tools seems to be for helping lead shots SO, what if you pull out range finder and spot a ship ( like with tele) but instead it shows you yours and their pilots helm display (The Altimeter, throttle, and how hard  they're currently turning the wheel.) Until you lose sight/change targets?

This excites me, think it's a great idea. Personally I believe that most gamers have trouble seeing the awesome of GOIP because it requires a level of coordination and understanding of the game that most new players don't get to see before they move on to something else. With a PvE oriented mode allows more opportunity's to feel successful without being perfectly effective/coordinated which could better encourage players to learn/appreciate the game and thus more of them are more likely to stick around, I hope.

This is probably crazy but the thought keeps coming back, it would be freaking cool to fight a dragon with airships.

P.S. Pink Balloon Paint: Pretty sure it speaks for itself.

Feedback and Suggestions / Boom Box Weapon - Bring the Funk
« on: May 29, 2015, 04:38:43 am »
First Post.

So, why is there no giant directional speaker that can be crammed in a gun hardpoint? Pure Psychological weapon, no damage. Toggles on/off. Default ammo links it to crew chat, ammo gives a noise (like a fog horn for lesmok, fire engire siren for heatsink, car alarm = greased...)

Could people just turn of sound? Sure, doesn't matter that much.  What matters is that, not only did you come flying out of the clouds, guns blazing, playing 'Flight of the Concords', The galleon you just snuck up on gets to hear it too!

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