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Messages - Myroc

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Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« on: May 22, 2014, 04:46:08 am »
RE: Autoloader/Reload Crank

We had ammo and passives that modified reload speed.  The way we did it before was subject to a lot of abuse and we ended up ditching reloading speed related shenigans.  However, there's a chance faster reload may come back in some shape or form.

Having Autoloader/Reload Crank means that we would be officially making that last second ammo switch an important thing and not only a "nice to have."  That's kind of interesting.
The more I think about it, the more I like the idea of an "Ammo Crank" or some sort of ammunition whose sole benefit is to increase reload speed. The fact that it is "abused" to increase reload speed then switch to a better ammo type at the last second may be just what Gunners need to be better than engineers! On it's own it would be only moderately useful, but when coupled with other clips it really shines, as you can have a fast reload speed without having to fire terrible ammo. Since it is an ammo type used best in conjunction with other ammo types, this would actually make the Gunner's extra ammo slots useful, as Engineers would only be able to choose between good ammo types and fast reloads.

The one problem here, though, is that the game is balanced around the current reload values, and suddenly giving every gunner the ability to reload faster is likely going to break things horribly. If this Reloader ammunition is implemented, it needs to be paired with a nerf to the reload speeds of all guns in the game.  That means that Gunners would be able to fire their guns at what is currently optimal efficiency, where-as Engineers would either be plagued by slow reloads or inferior ammo types, making them not as good for gunning.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« on: May 21, 2014, 01:48:02 am »
Here is my two cents on the Normal ammo being a selection, For one I am extremely against some form of crummy scavenger ammo becoming the default OR the idea of having no ammo in the guns when a ship spawns as it leaves you too vulnerable if the enemy is in your spawn point and you would get steam rolled without being able to fight back.
Point A: At roundstart, you should have more than enough time to reload all your weapons before engaging an enemy.
Point B: In the cases where you don't, your enemy is equally as affected by it as you are.
Point C: Whenever you respawn, you get the choice of where to deploy. Avoiding getting thrashed in this moment of vulnerability is as simple as not deploying in front of your enemy.

I don't think you need to remove the value of three engineers to make gunners useful.
I think that you do. The only way you're going to make gunners on par with engineers is if you make the former better at repairing, or the latter worse at gunning. (On light guns, at least.)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« on: May 20, 2014, 02:18:00 pm »
Regarding the reloading issue when using default ammo, I propose the following solution: At the start of the round, and any time a gun reloads on its own without anyone manning it, it loads Scavenged Ammo, which has a -20% Damage Penalty and a -20% penalty to clip size*. It would encourage staying on the guns more to catch reloads as your firepower will suffer otherwise. You'll still have to reload at the start of the round, but I don't think that is really an issue. You have plenty of time to reload all your guns before engaging any enemies (bar on Duel at Dawn, at least, but it shouldn't be too great of an issue).

*Really, this could be any penalties you want, but the point is that it would be inferior to all other ammo types.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« on: May 20, 2014, 01:36:58 am »
Buff Hammer
That's the other problem that needs to be dealt with. As said, engineers are currently sometimes even better at firing guns than gunners are because they can bring something that gives them a flat damage boost with no downsides. (Yes, the gunner can bring it as well, but he then becomes completely incapable of repairing. In a game that is largely about repairing things as they break, this is terrible.) I propose we instead change the effect buff hammer has on weapons. Increased reload rate? Increased turning speed? Something that isn't a flat damage boost at the very least.

Maybe instead of removing default ammo there could be a new engineering tool that is close to useless for the engineer, but might serve as a second tool for the gunner, any maybe even pilot?
You mean the Pipe Wrench?

Also, don't take what I'm saying the wrong way, I'm not saying that I don't want to see extra ammo types in this game, by all means, feel free to encourage suggestions for them and implement them. I just want to point out that it's not actually going to solve the problem at hand.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Call for Gunner Ammo Ideas
« on: May 19, 2014, 06:16:10 pm »
This is a call for new Gunner Ammo that you think will make you choose the 3 slots for ammo that a Gunner has over the 1 slot that the others have.

Normal Rounds.

...that's it. That's the suggestion. Making gunners more viable in comparison to engineers isn't going to happen simply by giving them a new ammo type. You're just going to see engineers run around with that ammo type instead. The problem is this: Repairing recquires you to have a lot of different tools to be useful, but gunning only requires one single ammo type to be operating at optimal conditions. It is very, very easy to get away with only ever using one particular round type on a particular gun, at the very least for light guns; Extra ammo types are redundant 99% of the time. Extra tools are never redundant. Not to mention that in the earlier case, that person can still operate any other gun at normal conditions.

Fixing the problem of gunners being inferior to engineers is only going to happen if either A: Make carrying extra ammo types equally as useful as carrying extra tools or B: Restricting the ammo types that engineers can carry. If normal ammo type wasted a slot, you would either have engineers give up their ammo type in order to be flexible, or focus on one particular type of ammo and more or less restrict themselves to guns where they would be useful, which is not currently the case. Default ammo is the pipe wrench of ammo types. It's an average tool that works well for everything, while not excelling in any particular area. You're currently giving it to everyone for free. Change that and gunners are going to become a lot more viable. (Alternatively, go the opposite direction and give everyone pipe wrenches for free. It's likely going to devastate the game as it stands, but it would at least make gunners and engineers more equal.)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Team-specific Ship Colors
« on: May 04, 2014, 10:26:37 am »
I think the suggestion was more to make it so we can dye the balloon how we like for each team.. Not force the balloon to be red  or blue based on team.
It's not about forcing the balloon to be blue on blue team or red on red team, but forcing them to not be red on blue team or blue on red team. People would still be able to have green, black, brown, pink, octarine, or whatever kind of color they want, but red and blue colors should be restricted to those teams to avoid confusion.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Team-specific Ship Colors
« on: May 04, 2014, 05:42:08 am »
I do want to see the red and blue dyes be merged together into one team-specific dye. The other dyes are fine, but seeing a red-painted balloon on the blue team can become very confusing.

There is red, and there is blue. Force opun us to use either blue or red then you just took away the reason to get deys.
There are more dyes than just red and blue. This suggestion would only affect the red and blue dyes.

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: May 03, 2014, 06:46:24 am »
(.whisper. you don't "order" a prostitute. you exchange money for services they provide!)
I'm just quoting, go talk to the guy who actually said it. (His name sadly escapes me, however.)

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: April 30, 2014, 03:57:21 am »
*On a junker with the new traveler theme*

Person #1: "How do you like the new theme?"
Person #2: "I feel like I could go below-decks an order a transexual prostitute."

Gameplay / Re: Firing mechanism and damage explanation
« on: November 01, 2013, 07:54:03 pm »
So, with the change to raycast weapons in 1.3.3, do Lesmok rounds actually work with raycast weapons now? Previously they were useless on gatlings and carronades since they were unaffected by muzzle speed and projectile lift. Has this changed?

The Gallery / Re: The GoIO Catwalk - Your Favourite Outfit
« on: October 30, 2013, 01:38:39 pm »

While I am a man and tend to use male personas in games, I do admire the female outfits that this game provides, so I felt it a shame to not create variants for them too.

And also, a variant for the female gunner because a decent red dye to match the hat just came out in the store.

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: October 28, 2013, 01:51:43 pm »
"I do what I want to your brother, when I want! I want to ravish him right here in the lobby!" -Zuka'Esrai

The Lounge / Re: spyglass zoom scroll
« on: October 24, 2013, 08:05:00 am »
It's a highly useful function, and I'm not sure how I would fare without it. How else am I going to ogle that curvaceous engineer from across- I mean identify enemy ship silhouettes through dense cloud cover, or locate vital components and weaponry on enemy ships so I know what to disable? Awareness for this function of the spyglass definitely needs to be raised.

The Lounge / Re: spyglass zoom scroll
« on: October 24, 2013, 05:47:44 am »
I thought this was common knowledge. I've been using this since when I started playing.

The Lounge / Re: Your Reaction When Things Don't Go The Way You Planned
« on: October 09, 2013, 09:59:50 am »
I have a tendency to yell "ABANDON SHIP!" and jump overboard. At least when I'm not the captain.

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