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Messages - Opal

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I'm quite the average player, myself, really!  I think with some time and some effort though, we can make something like this work.  I'll keep your name in mind, and if you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to share them!

That's a very good idea, Kyren.  I was thinking something along those lines, but really, couldn't grasp quite how to approach it--thanks a lot for chiming in!

That sounds like a pretty nice way to get things started.  Two salvage teams, enterprising scavengers from different (perhaps conflicting?) city-states, squaring off over this distant ruin for the prime loot--be that merely for personal gain, or the continuation of their own small, desert communities.  Maybe substitute in a less commonly used gun for the 'disabled gun' (COUGH HARPOON.)

Another good idea!  I had it in mind to write up some back story for the different battles and their layouts, but using the actual way things played out in-game through screenshots hadn't occurred to me.

Absolutely!  It would be cool to be able to pull continuation matches, patching together small adventures for the crews of the ships.  For example, perhaps the victorious Arashi team continues into the next game, and rushes along the route home, only to be cut off by a group of Anglean raiders.  There'd even be room to switch up to 3v3 or something (granted, it might take a while to develop any kind of core base for these events to man that...  Just a thought!) as one of the Arashi ships that was beat catches up, trying to hunt down the other Arashi, only to notice their under attack and decide the only thing they despise more than their opponent's city-state is any outsider who dares attack on /any/ of the city states!

Of course, I'm getting  a bit ahead of myself here...  It'd probably be best to start out with something relatively simple and from there move forward, perhaps with a promise that if folks are interested, some events will carry over to future adventures.

Very cool.  Good luck with your studies, and thanks for you offer to help!  I'll gladly take what help you can provide in any of those regards, when you have the time. ^^

Thanks a lot, folks!  Glad to hear there's some interest in this little idea. ^^

@Lovex Lazil

Ha!  That would actually be pretty interesting...  Though I wouldn't at all expect them to interrupt their competitive matches out of the blue for something like this...  Still, if this manages to take off, might be worth talking to them sometime!

Thanks for extending a helping hand.  If any ideas occur to you to further this idea, feel free to share! (And that goes for all of you.)  I just thought I'd put this idea out there, but I only have a couple ideas...  Something like this lives and dies on the interest and creativity of the community!

Yeah, the logistics of something like this would absolutely take some doing--in addition to getting a bunch of interested parties in the same place at the same time, it'd also involve creating scenarios for different events.  This is especially true of any that would involve crossover with the RP side of things, though I have faith with a little bit of doing, it could be worked out.  In addition, the more open scenarios could be run with a wider group (I assume) and wouldn't have to interfere with RP in any way--though if you guys are interested in resolving in-game disputes or just having deadly duels friendly spars in character, I'd definitely love to work with you guys.

I actually ran across that about Burning Skies...  Unfortunate indeed, but life always takes precedence over roleplay.  I'm certain you guys will figure out some manner of continuation for your stories and characters, even if it be done in another setting for a while. ^^  And never forget the good times you had in the original thread!

@KaLeu RainerZuFall
Yeah, chances are they'd be password protected for that very reason.

Workin' on a couple more ideas, including trying to sound out what weapons and ships might best suit the different factions for faction matches.  Anyone feel free to chime in on this, or any other ideas that might come to mind!

Community Events / Adventure Events (with a sidegun of roleplaying)
« on: June 13, 2013, 06:28:24 am »
Hello, I'm Opal.  I'm relatively new to this community, but an idea occurred to me which I have not yet seen posed on the forums, so I thought this might be a chance for me to break out and be useful in some small way, to this game and community I've quickly come to love.

From the match chatter to the forums, it seems many, many of us are eagerly anticipating the coming release of Adventure Mode!  This will bring a new depth and context to this already interesting and unique game, something which I'm practically rolling on the gun-deck for.  Unfortunately, Adventure Mode can only be seen way out on the horizon, a promising and intriguing speck oh-so-far-out.  Skirmish Mode, as well, is already here and already excellent...  So, while we all wait pulling our hair patiently for the expansion, I figured why not experiment and maybe bring some of the Adventure into the current game?

This is mostly just meant to be a brainstorm for how to do this, but I was thinking of running a number of events, (maybe weekly, or once every two weeks, depending on time, human resources, interest, and so forth) to bring some unique adventures, scenarios, and maybe a bit of optional roleplaying into Skirmish Mode.

I may not be the most qualified to try and organize such an event but I'd be willing to try!  Of course, if anybody else would want to help or take over we could talk about that too. <3

Some ideas, likely to be mixed and matched:

  • Faction Conflicts:  Both teams have limited access to ships and weapons, to emulate fighting for the different factions.  Of course, faction ships and/or weapons (if planned) are not in Skirmish, but it wouldn't be difficult to assign some through reason, just for the fun of it.

  • Objective Matches: Objective types not currently in the game...  Lot of discussing need-be-done on this one! 
    -Could include some type of escort missions (probably in 3v3) with limited ship/crew load outs to make things interesting. 
    -Maybe also something involving fighting over a particular resource, sorties requiring one time to visit key locations on a map while the other team competes to do the same or tries to stop them.

    There's a lot of room for imagination on this one!

  • Actual Roleplaying Events?:  Judging by the stories and Burning Skies S(b)a(l)loon in the roleplay section, there are a fair number of creative souls with stories to tell about their avatars, characters, ships, and the world...  So what about bringing some of that potential into the game with roleplaying matches?  With or without actually being in character in-game (would be up to you guys!), running matches between your very own ships and characters, settling disputes and developing them through actual-matchery.
    Well, unless you guys already do this!

    Could also be run separate/as a branch off of the 'main events', depending on who would/wouldn't be interested.

Other ideas, of course, are invited!  This is just me blurting out something that came to mind that I thought might be fun for some folks to kick around on, sometime.

 I hope it wasn't presumptuous of me to post this up out of the blue, little newblood'at I beeeee.  (And also that my ideas weren't too silllllly, though tell me if they were. <3)

What do you guys think?

General Discussion / Re: I played with X
« on: June 13, 2013, 05:15:02 am »
I played with Frazzledragon, opal and Icicle

on a 3x Banshee squid... got 4 out of  5 kills.... we're legendary

Hahaha, that was a ton of fun.  I'm surprised it worked as well as it did, lol.

Cleanse in whistling fiiiiiiiiire

General Discussion / Re: Fitting Music?
« on: June 11, 2013, 12:22:43 pm »
The Planetkillers
Turanic Raiders

Dunes and Scrap /especially/ give me a Homeworld vibe.

Also, ha!  Rise of Legends.  That brings back memories.

Hello, I'm one of the new arrivals from the recent May surge, and I wanted to chime in to let you know that not everyone from it is going to forget about it so quickly.

Other folks in this thread have already done a good job explaining the way player-base surges tend to seem to work in GoI (As well as most games, esp. competitive team based games.)  Not everyone has interest in sticking with a game, no matter how creative fun or unique, over the long term, especially with so many other titles to pull on their interest out there (Some of them, more easy to learn and succeed in.)

However, if with every ebb and flow of players, some little percentage of the inflow finds they genuinely love the game, and care about it's fate as more than a passing fancy (Such as with myself, and judging by your posts, I would say you too Mister diVario!  And many more in this thread and on this forum.) then I wouldn't be too worried about the overall fate of the game.  In this way, it builds a dedicated player base of people who enjoy, and in a lot of cases want to improve at the game--and this is a good and positive core player base to have, even if it isn't as large as those of more hulking games...  But then, have you seen the horrors in some of those? lol

As far as I've seen in my short time aboard, I've noticed a lot of the older players are genuinely rather friendly and helpful.  Hell, some of those early captains I got made me all the more enthused for the game--they were nice, talkative, and funny, and after the matches were said and done I actually thought 'months or years down the road, when I'm in that position, I'd like to be to some new players like they were to me.'  Long as the community has these sorts, no matter how slowly it grows, I think it'll be stable.  HamsterIV put it rather succinctly.

They can't constantly pump out new ships and weapons--I mean c'mon, they're indie and they already made this crazy game!--but I think in the end this will be all the better.  I'm absolutely looking forward to both the announced and unannounced stuff planned for this game in the future. <3

Surprised to see no mention of the 'top' deck to 'bottom' deck gun jump for the Junker in here--maybe it's too simple?  Though I do rarely see it done.

Both the railing and marks on the hull-deck on either the right or left side of the junker provide an easy frame of reference for the position of the lower deck guns.  By jumping over the railing where the second to last 'spike' sticks up (you know, the |--|--|--| on either side?) and holding back towards the ship, you can easily land on the gun or gundeck below, allowing you to slip onto the main engine or lower deck guns very quickly from the upper deck.  Once you're used to this, it's not hard to make the jump from different angles, as well.

Also, someone mentioned the rigging on the Galleon above--you can actually climb around in a lot of the rigging in a bunch of the ships.  With many it's of limited use, although I suppose there could be applications for pre-battle spotting positions (I know I love to climb in the rigging of the Junker for this myself.)  Almost tempted to start a thread about it, but I dunno if it'd be much use to anyone lol.

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