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Messages - Rutger Shaw

Pages: [1]
« on: October 30, 2013, 02:02:05 am »
This right here is why I dislike strong based online games. the moment that something goes awry, the way the devs never wanted it to go... they change it on a whim. it isn't just this game. Games like Natural Selection 2, Hawken(granted it was just fully released, but will see this 'balance' bs happen still), Mechwarrior online, or ANY OTHER game where the dev's change things as they see fit. whats the point of releasing a game that isn't "balanced" to begin with? it's a joke. see, if you had released the game that WAS balanced, and completed you wouldn't have players complain each time you did this. on top of that it would also limit your player base to that of which you want.

Just because to made a shinny little gun that does the same thing as the gat, but is an all around eye sore trying to find and shoot a target makes you upset, you turn around like a 5 year old whine that it isn't what you want. why even put out the Pyramidian (THE DAMNED THING HAS A SWORD ON A STICK IN THE FRONT! does that say "don't ram!"?) out in the first place if you didn't want to include up and close combat. its been pointed out that you have nerfed close range EVERY TIME you patch. I will not deny that you haven't done this to long range on occasion but you seriously think that you have played to both sides of the fence?

You say that a ship shouldn't go down so quickly. then what is the point of dropping the armor on the pyramidian? you know what you have done now to that ship right? exactly the opposite of what you want and what you did with the spire. you are constantly making it more weak and unusable to the play style of your players.

We spoke out a bit about the last patch, but we did our damnedest to work around the patch and we did, alright... but eventually it became something beatable. and have you even been watching comp matches lately? the double Pmid style fell flat on its face in a high comp setting.  gat+mortar was insanely underwhelming in any match with double pmid. just because it worked doesn't mean its broken... it could mean that other things are broken. and I cant believe you are upping light flak AGAIN. you DO know that auto kills anything after armor is stripped right?

on a last note, I want you to know... you have basically taken 3 months of hard work that Wolfpack members had put into logos, lore, and developing a strong connection with the community. I and many other members are deeply saddened that this game has taken this grave turn... we wanted to much out of this game and worked hard to be there and have a good time. many have and are now looking into other options away from this game. I wont say we are gone for good, but until you can learn the value of your players and their opinions, we may not show much presence anymore.

and remember, when you release something like this to the world know that it is never going to be YOURS again. This is a lesson all artist must learn.

All the best to everyone out there,
Rutger Shaw of the Wolfpack Mercenary Squadron

The Docks / Re: Overwatch needs you!
« on: September 24, 2013, 01:47:58 pm »
lol nice Ace...

also! >.> you guys <3 Wolfpack right? :D

The Docks / Re: Overwatch needs you!
« on: September 23, 2013, 01:06:12 pm »

The Docks / Re: Starting up a new clan
« on: September 17, 2013, 12:05:36 am »
i just wanted to make sure you know the clan "wolfpack" is already taken by a bunch of jerks...

I know! Just can't stand those guys ;)

that makes two of us!

Make it 3

Wait... Who are the Wolfpack?

The Docks / Wolfpack interview pt#2 Ask the clan!
« on: September 16, 2013, 06:17:31 pm »
if you haven't seen the "Meet The Clan!-Wolfpack" interview done by CESports. The link is here:

because of a little flame war that happened on the original thread the people weren't given a chance to talk to the members in the Wolfpack. So because I was rather sad that it happened, along with many of my clanmates, we wanted to get a chance to talk with you.

Hope to hear from you soon!

Rutger Shaw- Gunner of the wolfpack

Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" Week 8 Open Qualifier
« on: September 13, 2013, 07:04:13 pm »
Well sammie, that is nice, but I played at 11AM PST as a Falconeer.

If I may step in to solve the mystery:

Actually, it is possible that was it. but I think we flew in a CoGs that day too or something. Fellow mates also were thinking it was at 11 and weird.

Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" Week 8 Open Qualifier
« on: September 13, 2013, 02:15:44 am »
Well sammie, that is nice, but I played at 11AM PST as a Falconeer. that is great and all.... so please be a little more respectful.

Thank you however, in your own way, letting me know that it is 4.

Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" Week 8 Open Qualifier
« on: September 12, 2013, 09:21:14 pm »
I'll send the Roaster when I have a good hold on who will be on crew and who can sub. thanks.

Also, can you let me know when you plan on starting Saturday? in the Cogs I have played at 1PM EST and 4PM EST. This will determine if a clan member can join.


Community Events / Re: "The Cogs" Week 8 Open Qualifier
« on: September 12, 2013, 12:35:57 pm »
The Wolfpack Will be there.

Community Events / Re: Suggestion regarding larger tourneys
« on: September 09, 2013, 04:39:42 pm »
in some cases Sunderland's idea would work, but the problem when applied to TSR is that some matches(towards the end) there are at least one team still in a match.
but earlier it could work, I always felt like it was kind of silly to wait in crew formation when I could be in a lobby.

As for the tournament so far... show me one standard tournament that doesn't have its kinks? as far as I can tell, TSR has come a LONG way in 5 weeks. I agree we should time lobbies. I mean teams need time to adjust, and crew need a short break to take care of things, but the lobby shouldn't be open for 15 minutes.

and remember TSR is a weekly "have fun and experiment new load outs/crews/ect or just to get into the competitive scene (because CoG's can be a little limited)"

if this sunday's tournament is even bigger, it maybe prudent to start either a new channel to stream, or as garou stated, a group that records it. heck TSR could also be a place for people to try their hand at casting/streaming/editing.

I feel people should relax a little and understand that the competitive scene on Guns is not LoL or SC quality...yet... and remember that the people DOING the streams are normal people who work or go to school. So it is us, the players, that should feel privileged that they take the time to set these things up for us.

so please lets try to work the kinks out and continue to have fun. after's still a game.

Rutger Shaw of the Wolfpack

Community Events / Re: The Sunday Rumble #5 Signups (9/8/13 @ 4pm EST)
« on: September 09, 2013, 03:55:41 pm »
Here's something to hold you guys off until I get the VODs up tomorrow:

I was dying watching this. Thanks Urz.

Community Events / Re: The Sunday Rumble #4 Signups (9/1/13 @ 4pm EST)
« on: September 01, 2013, 08:04:32 pm »
Thanks to everyone for the great games and for joining us on our debut as a clan! We hope to have the opportunities to get a lot of tournament play in. Also Shout out to the Falconeers for the support! You guys and gals are awesome!

Community Events / Re: The Sunday Rumble #4 Signups (9/1/13 @ 4pm EST)
« on: September 01, 2013, 03:51:05 pm »
you got me and goose are in right?
Yes, we got you, what's your team name going to be?


No, not the Falconeers.

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