Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Make Classes more Unique (and prevent 3 man hull tanking)
« on: May 20, 2013, 04:06:31 pm »Please read all of it before posting, as I said just earlier your not going to get kills, your going to be a time sink until the other person comes along and attacks your attacker. The game is not entirely 1v1s most games involve atleast 2v2 so you may not get a kill in this instance but you wont give a kill neither, and the other team will just sit there vulnerable attempting to kill you until your teammate finally comes along and returns the favor. Im far from the only one who thinks that the game ends too often in stalemate ragequits do to this issue. And id really appreciate it if I got less "Im an old player your just a noob I know whats best" mentality in terms of feedback.
*because its funny yet sadly true in some ways*
its not that people are saying they know whats best. they are saying that it is impossible to keep a hull up indefinitely if the armor keeps going down. earlier you said people will just sit on the sand and keep the hull up, while it is possible to keep it up for a while, the math does not work for indefinite hull repairing.
When the armor goes down, it takes X amount of time to get it back up no matter how many you have repairing it, that window of perma hull health damage may be small but it is there. if someone is sitting on the sand as you said earlier they are taking constant damage. that means during that small opening some perma hull damage is being done. if that cycle continues eventually the ship will just run out of health even without any outside input of damage.
that is the reason people suggested you shoot their baloon ( so they cant get up and eventually die) or have your teammate attack the same target as you (so more damage can be done during the perma hull windows or so the perma hull windows can come around more often.)
I dont think people are trying to be rude, I'm just not sure people are understanding what you mean because the math doesn't add up.
Well the math from what ive seen is 3 players, pipe wrenches have 4 rebuild (only 1 shy of the wrench). Which on average from experience ive seen the hull back up in 1.5 seconds. Most guns take longer than 1.5 seconds to reload. Especially the manticore and most all low deck guns you can put on the Galleon. So unless you are running the win combo (chain+flack) there is very little room for error in terms of hitting the actual hull for damage. The ship may take constant damage on the sand but its barely noticeable given how quickly the armor comes back on line. So "eventually" yes they will die if left unhelped but that eventually I have seen first hand go on for 10 minutes. 10 minutes is a lot of time for their ally to see you standing in place and come attack you.
Alot of the games in pubs end in rage-quit stalemates or 1 sided victories, that much I hope is understood by the community. If not then we have a long bridge to gap. If they do understand that much then why? Maybe half of it is incompetent players sure, but whats the other half? Surely this is a prevalent issue and all is not well and dandy as some here want us to believe. This is what I frequently experience and why I have seen teams I have played with leave.