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Messages - Castus Crios

Pages: [1]
Community Events / Re: SAC HOLIDAY VIP Match Results!!!!!!!
« on: January 17, 2015, 02:10:08 am »
I would like the khovansky special hair piece.

Tyvm Muse!

General Discussion / Re: Top pilots
« on: November 12, 2014, 02:30:13 am »
Top pilots are imo

Tropo (of course)



Fiasco Total,





Mr. Lambert,

Sammy BT,


Rear Admiral Zill,



Jub jub,



Spud nick,


Que fox p,


Puppy Fur,

Hamster IV,




Richard Le moon.

so many its hard to think of them all.

Talking about top pilots is interesting to me due to its inherent subjectivity (how many good matches you've played with and against a captain)and confirmation bias. I usually scratch it up to all top pilots being contenders and putting rankings down to clan performance. That being said many captains I've listed here don't play competitive anymore so that's not a definitive metric. So many great memories just writing this list :)

Also, we would like the later time slot if at all possible.

Thank you

Sacrilege signing up,

Contact: Castus Crios (steam)

Gameplay / Re: 1.3.3 Spire
« on: October 29, 2013, 05:25:30 pm »
My experience with spire asofar is that you can easily have a flexible engineer on the ship due to the hull switch, gunner/buffengi can easily man the balloon engi gun if balloon engi can't shoot or vice versa if hull is down but balloon is solid. With so many crewmen assigned a gun (often the same gun) repairs can be ignored in some cases if the risk reward is there. #quadswag

I've used lumber/art/art/art, lumber /art/art/flak, hwacha/gat/gat/art, and my favorite flak/hades/art/art.

I think a galleon/junker/spire is a good companion but that a big speed disadvantage. Need kerosene for the spire in my opinion also.


Gameplay / Re: Carronades 1.3.2
« on: October 03, 2013, 11:32:35 am »
The carronade has a downward weakness until you are at ceiling, get a buffed balloon or drop chute and phoenix kero away at a 90 degree angle (depending on ship), wait for allied assistance while you tank balloon and hull. The carronade should always kill balloons fast the hull armor strip from the heavy carronade (even dual light carronades) is what makes the goldfish and carronade in general a viable brawler (Echoez said this). We need strong carronades in the gat/mortar meta fight and even then as mentioned earlier a good disabling ship can put a heavy carronade out of the fight perpetually until allied support in the same way that a heavy carronade can keep you out of the fight until YOUR ally is there.

Perhaps a solely captainlike point of view, but nevertheless a red balloon will always expose you to double team if the enemy is coordinated, if your ally is metamidion you would want to be carronaded if your ally was a squid it would be a different story. If you can't shoot for any reason then your ship is an hp sink buying time for support.

My two cents


P.S. Drogue chute if you know a squid is carronading you.

General Discussion / Re: Do you use any custom keybinds?
« on: October 01, 2013, 12:22:50 am »
I use a custom load-out for piloting.

And in general my tools are rebound as well as push to talk keys.

I use my naga with num lock on and bind the throttle to it the one and two keys.

I have r on crew chat, f for captain and g for party. zxcv are my tools and tab is my map for ease of use.

I could optimize it more but I'm way to used to it this way.


Gameplay / Re: Flak Spire Combo Question
« on: September 24, 2013, 11:27:56 am »
I was running hades/gat on top and flak yesterday. Only works if you can reposition around your ally. I agree with the merc recommendation (I do this too) but hades gat flak trifecta is a force to be reckoned with, trust me. I also had my fellow sac's with me ;)


PS Short range ammo ftw

General Discussion / Re: Raising consciousness for "stacking" !
« on: September 19, 2013, 11:45:14 am »
I try to read full threads before posting but I think this topic is familiar enough to me to wing it.

Stacking in matches is a right of all players. It has several effects on the lobby in which it is occurring.

1. Inability to win (note that 5-3 or 5-2 matches are possible)
2. Breeding bitterness in randoms
3. Not creating a competitive challenge for competitive players.

Our merit as good players depends on the battles we face but is also dependent on our ability to fly well together (which requires practice). Mentioned earlier was clans "stacking" in order to practice. In these situations I recommend making your purpose clear and asking for "good" players in global to fight against you.

The case against stacking is good overall save the aforementioned caveat. I have had great matches against random players and only at the expense of talking to my friends in party and then doing my best to help the less skilled players in lobby. Either way (stack or not) this game can be fun if all players are actively listening and trying. Good players provide a challenge for the community as well as an opportunity to share advice and knowledge.

So in a nutshell, don't stack if you can't match atleast half of the players (only if they are cooperative) and gain the cooperation of your fellow noobs. As the graphic at the start of the thread said they are our future players!


General Discussion / Re: Question for Pilots
« on: September 19, 2013, 11:28:17 am »
I play most ships at least occasionally.

Most: Squid/Pyra
Least: Galleon

This took me a long time to decide since I play atleast four different builds a day usually.

Gameplay / Re: Possible Change to Squid
« on: August 29, 2013, 11:43:24 am »
I'm going to throw out my two cents on this suggestion Keon.

When I play squid I usually am running gat/flak. The flak is never run independantly and I fly as it isn't there at all except when attacking with a teammate. The advantage to playing with no focus on the side is it allows you to burn kero without turning and fly with both sides of the ship. Anytime I fly against a pyra head on or gold fish I need to have the perfect angle if I'm going around them; no time to turn side gun. Once I'm around a ships side however all bets are off and my engine engi will be finishing either after my own gat fire (which is always on) or is finishing for our teammate.

When flying a carronade squid or flamer squid the flight pattern is less aggressive and I don't ride as close to my other captain leaving more opportunity for ambush and distraction.

I feel that if the bifecta capablility is increased on the squid it would have more killing power and would then become a bigger target than it already is, cue ragequitting squid crews with no engines or balloon as you bifecta your way to the floor. I'd rather have a fifth engine lolz

But hey give me more angle and maybe I can pubstomp harder, against pro's it won't change much.

News and Announcements / Re: Come test the new build!
« on: July 08, 2013, 10:58:14 pm »
Me too! I went to the websitessss


The Docks / Re: The Falconeers
« on: June 13, 2013, 03:49:33 am »
Great game above there! Nice comeback

Anyways, I'm interested in joining I've played with a lot of yall especially you OFiach.

Let me know


The Signal Tower / Attention All! New youtube and twitch channel
« on: May 27, 2013, 12:46:07 am »
I have this up sometimes:

And this:

Watch pls!

I'm having a lot of fun with this game and enjoy playing the squid, but sometimes the goldfish, junker, or pyramidion.


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