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Messages - Vasinth

Pages: [1]
Q&A / Re: Level up requirements & rewards
« on: May 23, 2013, 03:28:49 am »
The second choice is cyclops eye-patch for men/women. Don't remember for which role thou.

I myself did not yet run into a situation when i would need a kick option, but I understand why something at least simmilar would be needed.
Consider an option a bit different than a kick: vote kick.
Basicly the same as kick but you would point a player which you'd want to kick and give a short reason (ie 'afk') and  start the voting. Then if at least x out of y players agreed with this kick the afker would get kicked but if not nothing would happen. This way the kick just cause would be at limited thou it would still be there for those rare occasions. Imagine a second captain getting on your only manticore leaving your gunner useles and blocking most of the ship's offensive functionality then not responding to any form of contact - annoying.

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