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Messages - Kamoba

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Well, do the ends really justify the means here? 

I get that people are sick of novices, and i understand that its a problem, but why is every solution we come up with, every idea we propose, go back to the idea that novices are terrible people with the intent the screw everyone over.

Now, I'm not sure how much sway my word will have here, as I'm far lower level than other's who are posting on this thread. but i do wish to caution everyone.  The last thing this game needs is a Vet elitism to counter novice ignorance.

Just my thoughts.

Your level does not effect your opinion on this, and I believe your opinion on this can be a real eye opener, at least it is for me..

Yes Novices can be frustrating, but equally if we create barriers and restrictions it'll do more damage to player retention than it would help...

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ally ship name display
« on: March 04, 2016, 04:09:31 am »
I'm sorry to say I disagree with this being a cha ge to encourage team work..
What I see is "Let's encourage team work by adding a feature which removes the need to communicate ship positioning."

The more "quality of life" features which get added to "encourage team work" would simply result in much less communication required.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, when training team work and cooperation, the encouraging of communication, especially essential and potentially essential information is a strong part of that.

So sorry guys, I disagree, I think this "quality of life feature" is just another "let's make this less team play" and I very much doubt any amount of debating, arguing and disagreeing will sell me to like this idea.

General Discussion / Re: Lan party / introduction
« on: March 03, 2016, 07:12:49 pm »
Favourite part of playing with LAN party as crew (Happened a fair few times to me) is when one person is on the mic, and you hear his buddy shouting "Tell the captain!" and you hear what was said... If what was said is good or bad, it always finishes a laugh, usually winds up one person (gunner) Holds mic button down and everyone just shouts in the room and I respond to them in game, best comms ever.

I'm now of the stand that the Pilot - the most important role in the game - should be non-novice in non-novice games.

After the bullshit lobbies of yesterday, the intentional stacks and "pass the novice" lobby games, I agree.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ally ship name display
« on: March 03, 2016, 06:24:51 pm »
I don't see this as a horribly bad idea. Maybe the design of how the "spot" looks would be up for question, but that could go either way. At it's essence, it would really just be a quality of life kind of thing. Sure, as max level mlg pro super vet players, WE all know we can cover our screen with the map, give away our position by firing a test shot, or click a dozen times to see if the spot mechanic is broken cause they're near a cloud or working fine and they're our ally. Perhaps stare at that threesome of hwachafish and compare it to the compass for a bit to see which one has your color's dot. Or squint really closely at that red-ballooned ship to see if they actually have your team's blue flags. Maybe even "communicate" with our silent lvl 1 who probably turned voice chat off so he can't hear you shouting at him to stop flying off the map.

Alright yes this is some very heavy-handed sarcasm, but the point I'm making is just because we've found ways around the game to make it work for us, doesn't necessarily mean a little quality of life like showing your ally's position is such a bad thing. It might even help the lower levels who don't know anything stick closer to where the fight's at if they have a more obvious indication of where you're going. It wouldn't change anything about how we play in the slightest, just help people see a bit better.

It would be an additional change towards what is already looking like a multitude of changes being made to the game for the simple sake of dumbing it down....

Hwacha jitter reduction because people couldn't figure out how to use heavy ammo, hwacha becomes the weapon that dominates the skies because it is idiot proof.

Squid balance changes suggest Muse want to make Squid easier to pilot by turning the side gun forward, because knowing gun arcs is not idiot proof enough.

The more the list gets added to, the less appealing the game becomes to some of us who have been here for a long time.

Now I agree player retention is low but if the game continues to become idiot proof and get dumbed down, then some vets will leave and the core player base will get smaller... There would be no one to welcome the annoying lvl 1 pilots that we play with.

Oh and to reply to your heavy sarcasm, Egg you know me, and you know damn well I play with novices and pub matches a lot more than I play with other higher level pilots, I know how annoying all the situations can be, so you need not treat my point of view as if it is coming from someone who only ever looks at the end game play.

The game has a learning curve, it can seem steep at first and most vets will say it's steep, but too much "quality of life" changes (read dumbing down changes) could do more damage to the game than good.

"Hey Kamoba is a CA! We can swap ships with the Novice guy and stack against Kamoba repeatedly for a fuck tonne of wins! It's his job as CA after all." (Yes genuine occurance.)

Well I do now!
*Cries in the corner of a dimly lit room.*

Did you not know what you were signing up for when you applied to be CA?  :P

Leap year ladies and gentlemen. :)
thats still 3 days off

Shh, was trying to give a valid excuse as to why it was wrong and hoping people wouldn't notice. ;)

Jokes and off topic aside, afraid I won't be able to make this one, good luck to all who compete.

I need to rant. This is my safe place.

I'm so tired of teaching in this game. Because I actually CARE about this game, I'm compelled to teach new players whenever they're willing to listen... no matter how god damn awful and ignorant they are... but the problem is I AM TEACHING THEM THE MOST BASIC AND RUDIMENTARY MECHANICS OF THIS GAME OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I am tired of it! Where are the tutorials, Muse! Where!? I'm at my wit's end. Seriously. I am tired of losing games over and over again as I try to foster and improve the player base when, to me, it appears that Muse barely cares about expanding and growing and maintaining the community. The player base should be the absolute priority in this game... and I increasingly am asking myself why I care to help this game when others, including the developers, care so much less, if at all.

Please let me be the first to say: Welcome to the life of a vet.

It is in part lack of tutorials, but mostly it is the fault of the individuals or just the time it takes to get used to things for the learning process, and quite common after this amount of time after a sale is the painful time...
Where every lobby will have one novice pilot trying to learn and three vets trying to teach...
It becomes a game of "swap the stomp on rematch" or "Hey Kamoba is a CA! We can swap ships with the Novice guy and stack against Kamoba repeatedly for a fuck tonne of wins! It's his job as CA after all." (Yes genuine occurance.)

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ally ship name display
« on: March 03, 2016, 05:34:09 am »
Also team colours exist, though not easily visible, I just think automatically "spotted" allies is removing a good mechanic of the game in favour of dumbing it down, without much reason when there are many ways to effectively not need such a mechanic, sorry.

I agree and disagree... I do like the "is that an ally or enemy!?" surprise moments, BUT! I hate it when I'm bunched up with an ally and can't tell how close to me or WHERE exactly they are... perhaps at a certain proximity (nearly point-blank) they'd have their allied names automatically revealed? This would be helpful to avoid accidentally rising up or lowering on to allies, which happens fairly often.

But those bumps are just like little high fives.

Jokes aside, to avoid that, an increase in pilot communication helps...
Cronus League me and Insio on Water Hazard, and I quote, Insio: "Don't go down, we are right under you."
I had to use all my might to not come out with the obvious "I like being on top" Innuendo's.

Leap year ladies and gentlemen. :)

General Discussion / Re: Lan party / introduction
« on: March 03, 2016, 05:03:17 am »
Practice mode will allow you to set up 1vs1 matches, also you can create a password protected regular lobby so that only people with password can join, so depending on how many people you're hosting for would depend on which you would set up.

If you have 8 people you could for example set up an open lobby and disable match scramble, get everyone to vote rematch, or if the vote fails set up the lobby again.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ally ship name display
« on: March 03, 2016, 04:42:32 am »
In case anyone missed it, in my previous post I addressed why the map and compass are relatively inefficient/ineffective for locating allies in three dimensions in real-time.

Having teammates' ships 'spotted' by default would allow players to gain immediate visual confirmation of all allies at any time, which is instrumental in coordinating tactics in such a positioning-heavy game as this.

I don't see why something like this would be bad for this game, but let me know if I'm missing something.

The compass allows reading the third dimension and the map awareness is something everyone should be keeping an eye on.
Also team colours exist, though not easily visible, I just think automatically "spotted" allies is removing a good mechanic of the game in favour of dumbing it down, without much reason when there are many ways to effectively not need such a mechanic, sorry.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ship Cosmetics Wishlist
« on: March 03, 2016, 04:08:00 am »
Being able to choose my death explosion would be incredible. If I die I want to burst into fireworks some days, maybe celebrate my release from this world with a burst of confetti on other days. If I'm feeling festive, perhaps snowflakes. Etc. etc. A whole new level of decorating the skies.

All of this!

Muse shut up and take my money! I want to pick my ending!

Mushroom cloud... Ship combusting and turning into a mass of Tentacles..... I think I have more luck with mushroom cloud, but yeah I like the idea of picking our death.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Free-look when aiming guns
« on: March 03, 2016, 04:05:11 am »
While creating many others.

What other problems are you talking about?

Ye but this idea is completely unnecessary. If you wanna look around just get off the damn gun. It won't fix noob aiming because they have tunnel vision anyway. It won't add anything valuable to the game and only piss off those who don't like it.

The problem with getting off a gun to look around is that it resets the gun's aimed direction to neutral, which can be especially aggravating for guns with slow turn speeds. Numerous benefits for this type of aiming system have already been brought up, and there could always be a menu option or something to use 'vanilla' gun aiming.

It would break and make Lochnagar overpowered in some cases, and Scwhalbe is right, the idea as suggested could create many problems...

However the theory behind the idea is different to other ideas that have been put forward, with some tweaking and adjustments it could be good..

Don't take it too personally when others pick holes in the ideas BTW, they don't mean it personally, they're just voicing their concerns...

Anyhow to sum up, I forwarded this to Muse with a note that the theory of the idea is good, Kayvias had a look and they will natter about it in office to see if there is a way to look at Gunning gameplay.

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Ally ship name display
« on: March 03, 2016, 03:12:26 am »
Default Map button is M.
On the map displays the ally ship location (I think it displays ship names too but the map changed recently and I'm not 100% sure.)

In the top centre of the screen is the ingame compass which will show the ally as the team colour dot and their direction, it also gives an idea if they're high or low.
Increase your map awareness and you will soon realise why this feature is un-needed, it just takes a little practice.

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