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Messages - Tanya Phenole

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7] 8 9 ... 26
The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: November 13, 2014, 01:44:43 pm »
Yeah, but Ducks!~

The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: November 13, 2014, 03:07:49 am »
When are you going to join Cake Clan Tanya? I want to see you draw pictures of fire and cakes all day long.

I dunno, never been invited

(Sammy sent me adorable invitational card and a slave with huge bunch of flowers, when was recruiting me. Can you beat that? ^__~ ) 

General Discussion / Re: Top pilots
« on: November 12, 2014, 02:50:37 am »
I think Frogger deserves being in like top-5 or something

The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: November 12, 2014, 02:49:05 am »
Hey, how can I stay unique if everyone makes a duck tattoo?
btw have a sketch for one more

The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: November 11, 2014, 10:45:44 am »

Quack quack ^^

The Lounge / National issues.
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:51:06 am »
Hey there.

I love how this community brings up together people from different parts of the world. However, I often meet up with questions/stereotypes about my country I don't really want to talk about. I suggest , if you have such desire, list the topics related to your nation, which you'd prefer to never be touched in conversation.

I shall start with myself. I am Russian and I don't want to discuss following topics :

- Ukrainian situation. I am always in for healthy political debate, but here I am just biased(As lot of other Russians). My family been touched by that conflict, and I don't really want to spend evenings proving anything to people, who see the problem from media. If you want to clear things out for yourelf, make a visit, otherwise it is not to be discussed.

- Vodka. Historically, alcoholism taking out more  Russians than any other disease. I avoid alcohol and not enjoying discussions about it.

- Emancipation. As a majority of Russian women, I come from traditional family. We believe men and women have different role in society. Yes, we can talk about equal rights for both sexes... but you will not enjoy my opinion on this.

If anyone else have their nation-related topics they wouldn't like to discuss, I welcome you to tell about it. Let our community be more comfortable.

The Lounge / Re: The most glorious Quotes ever
« on: November 05, 2014, 06:29:55 am »
<Maybe some paraphrasing here>

Some dude: It's nice to see so many Russians hanging about
Sammy: That's not what Ukraine said

Unkranian jokes behind my back tsk tsk someone will have a serious talk this morning XD

Feedback and Suggestions / Re: Positive feedback only
« on: October 31, 2014, 07:05:42 am »
I really love captain loadouts preset

I really appreciate that average waiting time for a pub match became lower

I like the animation on match searching screen and how crew formation introduced there

I like new lobby designs

I enjoy hidden levels very much

Release Notes / Re: Version 1.3.8 Hotfix Release Notes
« on: October 28, 2014, 07:36:58 am »
I believe, that level hiding is a healthy initiative. Please, remove levels from chat too.

Captain-suggested  loadouts are an amazing initiative too. Please, make it more visible for new captains. Like huge button "set loadouts" and "Give loadouts to crew" in ship customisation OR near the ready button.

For the little community and playerbase, matchmaking works fine. Really. I know about 2-3 gunners problem, but it is not that huge. Yes, people leave the game in middle, to find their fun in a different match. It is probably a good idea to motivate them to fight untill the end. Like giving a drop of small cosmetic items in the end. More kills, fires, repairs, rebuilds  - more chance for drop of something cool =)

I will not suggest the bug fixing, they have been reported multiple times and I know, that unlike other game's developers, Muse working hard on their removal at first priority.

And please, veteran players, don't be so arrogant. To Muse, to newcomers, to the game. Basically, you are only one power to improve the game or (more likely) destroy it.

The Docks / Re: Quack Quack, it's Duck Time
« on: October 27, 2014, 05:59:47 am »

Just a duck-shaped molecule. Keep scrolling, pretend everything is alright.


The Gallery / Re: Tanya's GOI fanart.
« on: October 13, 2014, 07:57:06 am »
Laaaadies and gentlemen, I am proud to present you

Epic props to Vabla Dragonash, Lord Procrastinator, who took part in impoving artistic side of this comic

The Gallery / Re: Tanya's GOI fanart.
« on: October 08, 2014, 12:01:36 pm »
some sketches for future comic

General Discussion / Re: The 1000hr Club
« on: October 06, 2014, 03:08:50 am »

The Gallery / Re: Tanya's GOI fanart.
« on: October 04, 2014, 12:15:49 pm »

1. Favourite ship to fly. Junker
2. Favourite ship to engineer on. Galleon
3. Favourite light gun. Carousel and flak-flak
4. Favourite heavy gun. Flak too
5. Favourite gun overall. Flare. Dead serious here. Love the flare
6. Favourite 2v2 map Fjords, look like home =)
7. Favourite larger than 2v2 only map.(Ones you see on 3v3 and 4v4.) Kind of the Flayed hills
8. Favourite map overall. Laby, i like that it is different from all other maps
9. Favourite ammo type. Burst
10. Favourite ship build Mandarins' Junker
11. Favourite headwear. (Include gender) Adventuress (female)
12. Favourite outfit. (Include gender.) Revolutionary (fem)
13. Favourite Goggles (does a that have gender??) No idea
14. Favourite ship theme. Thravellers
15. Favourite figurehead. Octopus
16. Would you rather, Deathmatch, King of the Hill or Crazy king. Deathmatch
17. Rank in order of preference, Pilot, Gunner and Engineer. Gunner, Engineer, spectator, Pilot
18. Buffgi/Gunji or Main?  what-ji? is it Chinese?
19. Lion gun OP? No
20. Are there too many questions? (Tick here: no[] no[] Yes [X] )
21. Have you found a better community than GOIO? Yes

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